[GameClub] Overlord

Did the same. The last time I played super evil, so decided to go a different route this time

I love the humor in this game!

Absolutely yes. Not the kind of silly comedy either. It’s not really silly or slapstick, but more subtle. I really enjoyed the bit of time I spent with it last night.

It pays to be evil, and sometimes it pays to be benevolent.

That’s my nature - even in games I can never choose the evil, greedy option. It just doesn’t sit right with me.

Ja it’s a constant internal struggle to try and not set the world on fire

I started it up and played up until the second minions were introduced. Man those goddamn hobbitsses are irritating. Stealing the poor peoples food. Living it up in their underground lairs. Sometime I don’t even think I’m the evil one. So far I chose to spare the village people. Rather let them get comfy now before I decide to fuck them up.

And its really cool of the game to actually give you that option. I feel like there’s going to be a lot of these kinds of moral choices throughout the game.

correct. I found the mistress choice to be the most difficult

Oh my, I’m not even at that point yet…

#Spoiler :frowning:

not really, one of the first quest you get when you start the game is “Get a mistress”

So, the game is good, love it so far. A couple of things though:

  1. My minions are particularly squishy. Perhaps it’s just me and my playing style, but yeah my minions died several times. They even died against sheep
  2. I encountered a game breaking bug. I found the green minions and green hive. So I cleared the ENTIRE cave they were in, but the damn minions didn’t want to move the hive at all. I had 10 minions trying to carry them, but nothing. I just rage quitted out the game.
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you need to gear them up more. and there are a couple other ways you can buff them later

weird, I didn’t get that. A lot of the time there is a reason they don’t move. Either still an obsticle in their way or you ran past the portal with out revealing it (happened to me once)

Yeah I got that. My minions were on 200% strength and still they died to sheep, and Melvin crushed them in 2 or 3 blows.

I read on the Steam forums it is a known issue. Sometimes the trigger just doesn’t happen for them to move, so you apparently have to manually select your minions and force them to move. When they just move a bit the auto-move will kick in. I cleaned the entire cave of everything and they still didn’t want to do anything.

yeah Melvin is tough on them. Keep in mind only your browns will equip weapons and gear, so they are your toughest minions. Reds and greens are very squishy and blues will die if you just look at them funny, so you have to use them selectively. But you should have a near endless supply of browns. And it gets a little bit easier once you get the blues, then make sure you always have a couple in your team…

Melvin killed all of my browns but i finished him off the old fashioned way, also kak funny manually move your minions onto a table with booze.

Dude thats weird, maybe too much time in Australia has given you a weakness for the white wool’s blessed be the fuzzy, and its affecting your game play, have a skaap braai …I mean offering and that should get rid of your bad juju

As much as I want to play this with the controller, it seems my wireless receiver is on the blink - it is not powering up no matter where I plug it in.

That sucks Wyv. Can you use it with a cable? I use my controller with a USB cable.

I will hopefully start the game tonight if all goes well.

Which cable tho? I am looking for any option that I can use the controller with the pc

Think I’m close to finishing the game. I’ve just gotten to the desert area. Want to finish this so I can get to my other games :slight_smile: