[GameClub] Stardew Valley

Welcome to Game Club. The first rule of Game Club is to tell as many people as you can about it… The second rule of Game Club is to tell… you get the idea.

Game Club is like a book club for games. We get together and play a game during a specific time period. From the start to the finish. Sometimes there are awards that get displayed on your profile. We also chat in the evenings while we play and it’s a lot of fun. Buy it, play it, join our chats in the evenings, be happy and content with the world.

The game we will be playing this round is Stardew Valley Voting happened here .

We will start playing on the 1st of March and will have until the end of April to finish the game. You have to start a new game and finish year 1 in the game. (At least that’s how we are thinking of doing it. If any of you have other suggestions, please let us know)

Those who wish to participate can say so now and I will add you to the list. If you voted for the game during the voting phase then you are automagically entered. Everyone’s welcome!

@Solitude, @Deadlypinecone, @czc, @FarligOpptreden, @Wlad, @Wyvern, @FriedPet, @Donisia, @DieGrootHammer, @Snowbeast, @Kwaai, @murfle, @Talentloos, @Entity

@Deadlypinecone, @Solitude, @czc, @Wyvern, @murfle, @DieGrootHammer,@Wlad,@Dragonic!


I will join, end of year one is a good idea as the game takes a while to complete

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Also I concur with the mods - as long as you don’t go overboard with the cheating I think its a good idea?


I’m definitely in. Looks like fun. Didn’t even know there were mods, so can’t really comment on that though


I think I’ll participate. I’ve not yet played the game since the last big content release, and this will provide a nice reason to start another farm from scratch.

Also, once we reach the last day of the first year, why don’t we share our farm screenshots in order to show how we progressed and achieved during the first year.


That’s a great idea @DieGrootHammer!

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I haven’t played this properly since release so I’m keen to see the changes and improvements


I’m really looking forward to playing this one. I started a new farm just to check out some mods yesterday and before I knew it 2 hours were gone.


List the mods please? :smiley:


I basically just went on Nexus Mods and looked at the most popular mods of all time. This is what I got so far:

SMAPI (required for most mods)
ContentPatcher (required for some mods)
Angel’s Japanese Buildings
RotateToolbar (an absolute must have if you play with kb and mouse)

Mostly used the cheats menu and the item spawner to enable things like faster movement or to give myself better tools at the start of the game.

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Where do you guys find mods? I don’t see it on steam…

I don’t think I’ll be modding.

Make sure to grab SMAPI and Content Patcher before anything else

Also, watch out for mods that need to replace game files instead of going into the mods folder. I’ve had constant crashes with some of them and decided to stick to “mod folder” mods.

Here’s a nifty modding guide as well, should anybody need it: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Modding:Player_Guide/Getting_Started


Thanks. Quite interesting to see what’s available. I’m going to start vanilla, will see how it goes

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I usually just grab the ones that helps with storage and skins

Even that feels like cheating. I’d consider skins though.

No mods for me as I will be playing on Switch.

Also, think I’m going to do a different farm layout than the normal vanilla one. I’ve already played on the Forest map as well, so for this play through I think I’m doing the Hilltop map. Looks limiting and will need a different play style than the 3 TIMES I’ve built farms past year 3.


Yeah cheating for lots of money and stuff like that tends to ruin the game. I just gave myself some upgraded tools and 4 sprinklers to start off. I’ll still make money buy selling crops and artisan goods and such.

[Rotate Toolbar really is a must have if you play with keyboard. There is no other way to switch between inventory bars (once you buy the backpack) without a controller.]

I also just got myself extended farm, that basically adds another huge piece of land to your farm. Not sure if I’ll use it, but better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. :stuck_out_tongue:

*For now I’ve made a default layout but I think for the game club I will go with the one that has enemies at night, just to spice things up and balance out the mods .


I’m going to have to check out a tips for beginners article/video its been so long since I played last.

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I’m going to try and not do that. Played until day 7 the other day, and now restraining myself to play it again until Friday.
Will discover everything about the game during GameClub