[GameClub] Stardew Valley

For those new to the game, Stardew Valley is about routine. It is good to get into a routine quickly, as it will ensure you don’t miss the things you need to remember.

Some pointers for the newbies (maybe spoilers if you want to find these out yourself, but I won’t add any story or game spoilers)

  • The traveling merchant comes to the Cindersap Forest every Friday and Sunday, each day bringing a different list of items to buy. They are expensive, so save up.
  • Most of the town gathers in the bar every Friday night. Good time to meetup with most people and give gifts to potential love interests. No need to run around the week looking for all the people then.
  • Check the calendar daily. There is a calendar in front of Pierre’s shop. If it is someone’s birthday, give them a gift they like. You get a lot more heart points towards friendship for people if you give them gifts on their birthday.
  • When it rains, forget about your farm. Go into the mines or go fishing. Many fish needed for the community centre can only be caught during the rain, so fish away

I also started last night. Since I’ve played before I chose a different layout. Went with the Riverland Farm, which I think might have been a bad idea but lets see how this goes. I generally suck at naming anything so, named my farm Sakana Farm coz I’m a weeabo like that, chose a female character this time and named her Roberta because my second name is Robert. I only played for 2 days so will put in some more time whenever I can.


Just one more day…
My farm is so small, but I’m exhausted by the time I’m done watering everything…
I’m on day 24 currently. There’s still 1 person I haven’t met.

Build sprinklers. It’ll challenge your planting and layout skills (hint: sprinklers water in a + pattern), but release you from daily watering duties. Coupled with a couple of scarecrows, your fresh produce becomes almost self-managed.


I really want to build sprinklers but haven’t encountered iron ore yet. I’ll probably have to go deeper into the mine.

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I dont know if this is considered a spoiler or not, so I will put it in the tags in any case. Its about a world event that happens early on and I never knew what it did until like 200 hours in. And it helps so much in the early game.

There will be a world event at some point and it will remove a boulder close to linus’ tent. Up there are the steams. Just climb in and it recharges your energy. It makes a massive difference in the early game and I never knew it existed.


Thanks I always forget about it

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I finally started Stardew Valley yesterday. Chose the forest map.


Just finished off Spring of year 1. It was a good start for my new farm, I did cheat a little with some sprinklers to get me going (watering too many plants is what ruined my first proper farm for me) but other than that I’m mostly using faster walking and the odd teleportation here and there.

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swak styl daai.

Ja ja, daai shit het al die enjoyment uit die game uitgevat vir my so ek wil dit avoid.

Forgot to mention, my nephew also seems to love this game, which is why I’m already finished with the first season. When he comes over it’s basically all he wants to do now. He mostly watches me play but I do encourage him to take control as well.

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I stopped ‘farming’ around day 23-24, because I thought a season is 25 days. Clearly not. So spent some time fishing (I can’t fish to save my life…) and playing in the mines.

Still no iron to build sprinklers, but hopefully soon!


Ok how are you guys taking these screenshots?

I think the iron starts showing up after level 20 in the mines

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Doesn’t F12 work in this game? Or whatever button you have set for steam to take screenshots.

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I mean the big screens or is it just me with a tiny monitor :stuck_out_tongue: I dont see as much in my farm on my screen at a time

I’ll check mine tonight. Didn’t really notice.

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You can change the resolution in the settings. Though your screens look alright to me. I take it your resolution is probably correct?

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Yep max settings and max zoom