Ghost Recon Breakpoint

I was having a great time in the bit I managed to play yesterday afternoon/evening.

My biggest issue so far is ladders. I don’t understand how something so easy is so terrible in this game.

Also performance on my 1070 is a bit poor


Nothing wrong with your stats. I’ve got almost 3 times more time in the game and am not much further than you are.

But then again, I am particularly kak at these games. :neutral_face:

Spent time this weekend try to finish Act 2 of the Main Story. Got to the last mission but then ran out of time. Playing a Sharpshooter character and trying to go as stealthily as possible. Spent a fair portion of my play time just flying around with my drone doing recon. Doesn’t always work out, and I still die a lot :grinning:.


we started last night, didnt get ar

I am struggling with the sneaky sneak!


Also any tips/builds for snipers anyone found? I am randomly choosing stuff

For all it’s faults, Breakpoint sure can be pretty at times!


I love the game but sjoe last night was driving me nuts - constantly felt like I was lagging. My biggest gripe at the moment are ladders, the fact that I have to press ctrl 4 to 8 times before I can break cover, or get up from prone hiding on the floor for the stupid choppers and planes.

I get the stealthy of it, but jislaaik, I do feel now and then that I get bored because of the no action.
So I go looking for trouble - how far away I can shoot someone, how many I can take out before they find my hiding spot.

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Thats EXACTLY what I did last night! It got so boring!

  • Tried to snipe guys from as far away as possible.
  • Casually walked up to a group of bad guys and when they spot me I shoot them with only a pistol
  • Blew stuff up with an army helicopter, ala Just Cause.

It’s a beautiful game, it can be fun, I have proudly only killed one civilian thanks to a grenade, I have died 2 times thus far - not bad for noob in this game.

The motorbikes are hell on wheels - I can’t control it, so I just blow them up to attact attention. The cars are not much better - havent flown a plane yet.


Oh, we are having so much coop fun in this…

Wanna join?


I will be honest, if we need help we will shout, but for now the 2 of us are plodding a long slowly

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you don’t press buttons for cover…

Try what we did in Wildlands. One grabs a “target”, the other F’s off a good distance then snipes in the direction of your partners marker. Then he talks you through where your bullets land, until you hit the guy he’s holding

iirc I got a 6km snipe that way in Wildlands. Naturally you’ll need a beefy rifle


Dai prone cover wanneer jy hide van planes en drones

ooooh prone. probeer net begin sprint

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Ek hoor die donners te laat lol

My review


When you reach Gearscore 180+ and are with others with the same or higher score, we blatantly want the drone to detect us.

You guys know you can track your stats etc through an official site: <-- Noobness


Like, for realsies? The part about Napoleon is confusing me…


This game has to have one of the worst attempts at a South African accent I have heard in a long time


Oh, this game and the attention to detail is amazing. Big 5.5GB patch for PC today. Aparently the consoles patches are bigger, up to 10GB.

Things that are buggy:

  1. Base jumping
  2. Drones after playing PVP
  3. AI is dumb

Things that I hope they add:

  1. More wild animals and dangerous ones. Yes, we have elements of Division 2 and AC Odyssey already, give us some Farcry too.
  2. Personal wish from my Ark experience - Wild and dangerous Dinos :smiley: