Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

The linking to Google Play task has jumped from ‘Ideas’ to ‘Working on’ and back multiple times as I try things and get stuck and then push it back to attempt again another time. And so it returns…for now.


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Close to my 100k


I’m claiming P3 in the Race to 100K, sorry :smiley:


Nice. You can see those emulators running heavily with that ‘Active Playtime’.
For a second I thought something was wrong because you had 0 monies but all the boost, but then realised you must have just done the upgrade.



Nice one! How you manage to time it so almost precisely is amazing. I wanted to try getting close to 100k, thought I’d worked out the timing perfectly, and landed up missing it by almost 3000% :rofl:


It helps to be ocd, I sit and wait for the numbers… Sadly


You have all given me an idea…

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Edit. I think we need a separate topic just for all the ‘they listening’ coincidences :slight_smile:


Wasn’t sure I should post this, but what the hell.

I got bored so messed around on a rooted emulator with the MyPref.xml

All I can say is everything still seems to work fine with HUUUUGE numbers, but it’s total unobtanium… +1 Observer is 100+ Years.

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Sneaky. That’s a nice payday for 30 minutes of staring at the sky :slight_smile: Why weren’t you sure if you wanted to post? I don’t mind people breaking it, it shows me where the loopholes are.

So you could see all my SharedPrefs. Which one did you change? I’m assuming fullTotal or rather ‘Totals’. Or could you see everything?

I have thought that saving locally in SharedPrefs was literally just saving the values in a file on the device which might be risky. I assumed it was protected in some way but I also knew that if someone really wanted to get to it they would.

Yes everything should still work, I tested all the numbers right up to infinity, about 308 zeros. I still need to put in a contingency for hitting infinity as infinity subtract 1 Billion Billion Billion is still infinity.

Just be careful with that ‘Max’ button if the levels are too low. It calculates possible buy amounts as you select it and with it in the 5000’s it may take a few seconds to calculate. And it constantly updates so it will keep being slow until you buy more or move off to ‘+1’.

Yup, that’s where all the upgrades and all the stuffs come in. Those calculations may also be tweaked later if needed. I’ve already tweaked them since the beginning.

So do you think there is a way to prevent this access/changes? I wonder if there’s a way to obfuscate the SharedPrefs. What I could also do is concat a whole lot of save data and spin a cypher or something on it so it’s just one long string of numbers and then save that string.

Programming… 1% making it do what you want, 99% preventing others from trying to break it :slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing your endeavors, I find it interesting :slight_smile:

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Yea, edited the Shared_Prefs/MyPref.XML file and could see 138 different values.

Changed all the numberBought_Generator1 - 12 to 5000. also changed bonusMultiplier to 1337000000 while I was in there.
Opened the app and bought all the multiplier bonuses, but Observer was still 100+ Years for one.

Edit: Now that I think about it, just editing some values could have thrown the calculations out of whack.

Regarding encrypting Shared_Prefs, I’m no developer but a quick google search gave me EncryptedSharedPreferences  |  Android Developers

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138 hey? I didn’t even know how many exactly :slight_smile: All I see is pages and pages of this:

Thanks for the link, it’s cool that they have thought of it already and I won’t have to build something myself. It shows this:

String masterKeyAlias = MasterKeys.getOrCreate(MasterKeys.AES256_GCM_SPEC);
   SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = EncryptedSharedPreferences.create(
   SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();

and this is mine:

SharedPreferences pref = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("MyPref", 0);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pref.edit();

So it doesn’t seem too bad to make the change. Then you can try again :slight_smile:

Throwing some negatives would definitely break something :slight_smile:


I even have 2 LCRT

it kills me to buy 1 at a time, voices in my head wants the multiples of 10 or 100

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Had to reinstall to test things so starting from scratch


multiples of 5 are ok too! its +10 or Next for me. if i could disable +1 i would :smiley:


I agree +5 works as well, yeah I hate the +1


It went fast to get here, now it feels like I hit a wall. I will wait now till 50k at least till I upgrade again