Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!


You know, the plans that I have in place for things coming, I actually get nervous about what’s going to happen, haha.


just do it!


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My upgrade multiplier should be around +70K by now, so will decide if I want to leave it for another day to push for the 200K total, or just take the plunge now at 170K and then see if I can get to a single Deep Space Telescope sometime over the weekend.


Im almost at 150k, I have decided since I get about 10 k a day I am gonna be patient now and wait till my 200k

See i have to wait for a round number, one that works in my broken head. So I can’t upgrade just yet. Maybe if I catch the 60k at the right moment

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I just love the PS5 Ratchet and Clank advert :slight_smile: 5 seconds and I am rich!


This guy is a dumbass


All those stock video clips they use are funny


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Haven’t posted stats in a while so I am going to try.

Am waiting to see if I can get the multiplier on LCRT and see how much it reduces the DST time before deciding if it’s worth it to keep trying. At present, every LCRT I buy is adding days to the DST time. After I see what happens when I get to 25 LCRT I will think about upgrading.


I see their tactic. Everyone can tell the guy is doing the wrong moves, and it gets so frustrating knowing you can do better, that you almost want to download the game and show him how to play. But I shall resist!


@Ani If you claim that then you’ll almost be in the 300k club.

@oltman exactly their tactic :slightly_smiling_face: keep persisting.

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So just a quick update.

Progress is still going strong on development. I am adding in things that are dependent on other things, so a lot is getting tweaked in the process. I am trying to add in endgame aspects which are totally new so that’s taking a while, and because of the new additions, namely in the Upgrades menu, I am redesigning the layout of some menus. I’m currently busy about 4 hours a day pushing to about 6 hours a day on the weekend so everything is still very active.

Getting the endgame in and ironed out, as well as getting a few backend tweaks done, will move the app closer to actually being released, which is exciting. Just know that even after release I will keep adding things, namely things like more objects on the main screen, real world space occurrences, and also a collab of some sort if I can figure that out.

I also have ideas for 3 or 4 other games in the future but they are fully still in the idea phase. I’m not even sure if the one will even work. I’ve been putting all my energy in Idle Obs. And they are going to be totally different idlers, not just a reskin. The one might not even be an idler! gasp :astonished:

So keep finding those sky objects and posting your progress screenshots, I really enjoy seeing how everyone is doing. All you posting your progress actually helped me figure out the final piece of how I could implement the endgame mechanics. I was stuck just asking the question “How?”

Thank you as always. Have a great day.



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Silly me forgot to open the game yesterday, and I lost almost a whole day of work time :expressionless:

Another day then before I hit the upgrade button again.


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I bit the bullet

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