Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

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Missed another entire day again. I must remember to install the emulator on my laptop for the days I donā€™t use the desktop. I keep saying Iā€™m going to and then not doing it. Iā€™m going to only do 100K+ upgrades on that one. Eventually.

(Note to self: Remember to install emulator on laptop so that you can play when you donā€™t use the desktop, dumbarse!)


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update - I have my 200k, it feels like I am swiming in jelly. ā€¦ slow progress

I also installed it on my kindle, only down side is no advert boostsā€¦ no idea why they are not working

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Itā€™s coming, itā€™s coming. Endgame things to get things moving again.

Strange that the ads donā€™t work. Iā€™ll see if I can get a kindle emulator/tester to see why itā€™s doing that.

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I also have no idea its why I figured i would try it on a tablet as well

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Did not have much time to play the last few weeks so just checked in to collect 2 or 3 times a day.

This caused my bonus to steadily grow until I eventually reset today.

Club 400k :smiley:


Found another strange issue while using the app.

If I change volume with the phone buttons while in the app, it changes my ringtone volume, not media volume. While in an ad, buttons does change media volume though. All other apps I use change media volume when in app.

Using a Galaxy S20+ if itā€™s phone specific.


I caved I did another hard reset


I see that now. I always thought it was because if you turn the music off that it will automatically change the ringtone sound seeing that there isnā€™t any sound playing, but I tried other apps quick and even if you mute their music and sounds and then try to change the volume it still changes the media volume, not ringtone.

So I will look into it. thanks for letting me know.


Itā€™ll be ok. greener pastures, brighter horizonsā€¦ and all that :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve stopped posting screenshots because things have changed so much I couldnā€™t share without revealing thingsā€¦


Argh, trying to get the LCRT with just 2 upgrades is hard hard work. Iā€™ve managed to reduce the time from over a year down to 123 days. I just spent the last week working to double a bunch of earlier assets and just doubled my VLT by hitting 500ā€¦ and gained exactly 1 day. I might have to give up on my goal and do a data upgrade. I stand to gain 388400% bonus if I upgrade, which will put me a bit over 400k total % bonus. Other multiplier upgrades are more unattainable than the LCRT is right now. Thereā€™s very little options left except to slog through another week of buying ELTs to hit 400 (352 right now) and hope the estimated 8 Qi/s extra will drop the LCRT down significantlyā€¦ Hmmm


Iā€™m very close to sending another update which will help move things along. So much has been added and Iā€™m interested to see how everyoneā€™s strategies develop.

I havenā€™t been posting screenshots as Iā€™ve got the additions to test their functionalities but this is just a basic screenshot so you can see where youā€™ll be maybe. Probably even more than me eventually as you are all quite proā€¦

I put it in spoilers for those who donā€™t want to see until the update.

Thanks for the update


So itā€™s finally here. I know itā€™s been a while but a lot has changed and an update will soon be live at Should be within an hour or so. Leave it to auto update otherwise update directly from the store.

Idle Observatory v0.11 changelog:

  • Added setting to hide bought upgrades - Pretty self explanatory, In Settings youā€™ll find a toggle to show or hide any upgrades that you have bought.
  • Made Welcome page scroll on smaller screens - On devices with smaller screens the welcome page goes off the screen. Added in that the Welcome screen scrolls so those displays will be able to see all the content.
  • Removed duplicate attribution item - Somehow there were 2 items in the Attributions page for the email icon. No idea why or how so just hide the 2nd one.
  • The app now logs into Google Play Games Services at startup. This enables achievements to be logged. Cloud saves still to come.
  • Added in some Achievements with more to come as time goes by.
  • Added in an Achievements menu to display all achievements available.
  • Added in the link to our Reddit Community in the socials list. Previously it would just say that a community still needed to be created, well now it has. Come join us if youā€™re on Reddit.
  • Fixed spacing in Attributions & About pages - The headings had too much space below them. Sorted now.
  • Adjusted menus - Moved all menus to the top of the screen but with space to see the current production values in the background. I also redesigned the upgrades menu with tabs for each section.
  • Added more upgrades - Added one more set of upgrades.
  • Added new upgrade to lower Data Upgrade divisor - Use this upgrade to lower the divisor when upgrading Data Storage.
  • Added new area to buy Insight Tokens - You are now able to buy Insight Tokens.
  • Added constellation for researching for boosts - New constellation area added to spend Insight Tokens on for researching bigger boosts.
  • Added setting for scientific notation - Explains itself, added scientific notation to all numbers.

Iā€™m interested to see how some of you use the new mechanics.

Thanks again as always for playing.

The update should be live in about an hour from this message. Check the store page until it shows ā€˜Updateā€™.

Thank you again


Hi again

Iā€™ve pushed a patch that should fix the jssue that some devices are having of crashing when opening the settings menu. Please check for the update in the Play Store at

Apologies about that. For some reason the crash didnā€™t happen on any of my test devices.




Oooh insight tokens. Do they also reset on hard reset? Clicking settings crashes my game. Anyone else getting that?


Clicking on Settings instantly crashes the game back to the desktopā€¦every time. Submitted Feedback, so hopefully it sends you something to identify why.


Marvellous. Had to do another system reset yesterday, so the timing is perfect for me to reinstall and start from scratch again.


Rushed to get a patch out to fix that crash. Please do the update thing at It should be sorted.


Yes a hard reset will reset them.

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