Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

Thanks for that. I think I found why it was happening. A small issue of basically ‘saving twice’. Some devices were ok with it. Some didn’t like it. My stats are delayed by a day so I’m sure I’ll see lots of crash graphs soon.

But it should be sorted now hopefully so please try.

Sorry about that


I too did a ‘refresh’ :slightly_smiling_face:



oooohhh updates :smiley:


these constellations. say I want Alpha Mensae. is it a flat 1500x upgrade for everything (so you exchanging 100 000% for 1500x)? or is it for a specific upgrade?

EDIT: decided to risk it. yea it is…so uhh, worth it every time (at least for now)

context - I had my first upgrade now at 200k+% improvement. so i halved my bonus but got 1500x back :smiley:

Follow up question. Do insight tokens (i assume they must otherwise its 2 step back 1 step forward) persist after data upgrades?


Yes, everything. I can maybe add some text explaining that it’s for all.

Yes. Only hard resets remove them.


Looks good. Good to see that the achievements are working. I have more to add in but as usual I just wanted to put a few out there to see that it works.

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Im playing a slow game, but trying to hold out to the 100k upgrade is testing me :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well there the stats start trickling in from last night…

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I realised now that I wasn’t supposed to have the ‘Ursa Minor’ constellation visible just yet as I want to make it that it only shows when the Mensa constellation is fully researched so don’t go research any of the objects in Ursa Minor as I’m going to hide it. IF you do decide to still do it anyway it will still add to your multiplier so don’t worry that I’m taking your tokens, it will just be hidden until you research all of Mensa.

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I reeeaaally like the new upgrades menu! Good job!


Thanks. As I mentioned in the Discord I’m still going to add a visual notification of some sort to show where the available upgrades are also.

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Well the first one is more affective than that 2nd page anyway, so hopefully noones gone and spent 3 tokens on a 3400x upgrade when they can spend 3 tokens on 3x1500x upgrades :smiley:


Really like the update, so much easier to keep track of stuff


Exactly, but still you know how some will still do it anyway :grinning:


Thanks. More to come.

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Nice big-ish update, not gonna lie, left this game for a while, mostly been busy, but also waited a bit for more updates, I like upgrades so, glad to see there are more :smiley: also i see i signed into google play which is great.

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Thank you. As always, we wouldn’t be anywhere without you all. 500!


Ah Reddit has such a way with words…forever alone haha

So I was literally busy setting up a linktree and notifications came through of @GregRedd joining the subreddit, thanks @GregRedd, so if you want to be just like him and join then here is the linktree @IdleObs | Linktree with all the links to your preferred social platform. I’m busy adding more over time.


15/16 Achievements :grinning: