Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

So since the update rolled out, I have been unable to to watch ads, causing me to lose out on 11 hours of income and the inability to boost. First I thought it was because I hadn’t updated the app, so I did that, but I am still just getting “Ad not ready yet” messages all the time. I have now missed out on another 11 hours of income.

Anyone else struggling like this?


That’s not good. I’m sorry about that. I didn’t change a single thing to the ads system so I don’t know what could be causing that. I can try do some testing on a few emulators.

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Only on my tablet which still wont allow me to watch adds - its not a big issue on there, since I am just testing it out on that

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No problems on the PC via emulator for me yesterday after reinstalling the updated version. Got a fresh ad every time I remembered to boost or got back to a “You’ve been away for…” message.

Internet / WiFi / data connection issue on your device at the time possibly? Ad blocker app turned on recently? (Or maybe your new vaccine delivered 5G chip is interfering with the connection? :thinking:)

@Wyvern - what’s the connectivity situation with your tablet? Maybe it’s the same issue for you on that - no connection when you’re playing?


I have a suspicion it is something like that, but weirdly other games I try beforehand has connectivity, it even shows me logging into google with the game.
So no idea

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been having issues just says “ad not ready yet. Please try again in a few moments” ><


I am on Samsung Galaxy, and not having any issues. Ads work, Settings work (now) and I did my first upgrade at 120k.

Yes, the ads are still as annoying, but I love the Discovery and Playstation ads. 5 seconds for full reward :wink:


I know its anecdotal, but have not had ad related issues myself. (samsung s9 on vodacom network, and i DO actually run netguard ad blocking on my phone - you blacklist/whitelist apps you want to have connected to internet, great for those games/apps that shove ads in your face every time you exit a menu)


weird. im 16/17 achievements (only achieve left is find 100 sky objects)
How do I have more total achievements? Are there hidden achieves?


Added in one lastnight on the Achievements system. @z1oc’s post is soooo yesterday :stuck_out_tongue:


Busy updating again now, will see if I still have the issue. I have no connectivity issues and I am not running any wonky software either that blocks anything. I often have to try two or three times before an ad loads, but usually it connects quickly.


sneaky :smiley:


Nope, still no luck.


I’m researching seeing if there are others also with the issue, otherwise I’ll research how people can send logs so I can see what’s happening.

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The boost ads also aren’t working. FYI.

Thanks for taking the time to look into it!


Loving the updates to the menus, a job well done !

Did a reset just before and hanging on for as long as I can to see what happens on upgrades.

Ads are kinda working but a few “not ready” messages. Just keep trying and then we get lucky again :smiley:


Thank you. Glad you like it.

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Small update going out within the next hour or so. Nothing to write home about so not going to make a huge announcement about it.

  • Changed the text on the Insight Token from 1Million to 100k, like it should be. I put 1 too many zeros in.
  • Added some text next to the constellation star multiplier to say that it affects all observatories.
  • Added in an attribution for for the data about each constellation.
  • Made the popup text not wrap at the right hand edge of the screen. It will now just go off the screen but it won’t wrap. I did test making the text not go off the screen but then it looked weird if you tapped right on the edge and then the text suddenly appears way off to the left just to not go off the screen, so just left it to appear where you tap, but go off screen.

I think that’s all I added in tonight. Will carry on tomorrow evening with whatever I decide to do from all the lists of things to get done :slight_smile:

It will update itself on your devices otherwise please check the Play Store.



Tried multiple emulators this evening but kept getting the ads, will keep looking and researching.

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Sadly I can’t indulge in this game anymore… I decided to upgrade my one line and went back to a fruity phone. My super fancy Galaxy Note 20 Ultra was frustrating me, as it was restarting 1-2 times a day since I got it 8 months ago and that scaled up to 7+ times a day. It made me miss important calls and messages because I wasn’t aware of the restart.

I will be sending the Samsung in for repair (as it’s still covered by warranty) and then selling it off. Apparently this is a known issue with the phone and if they can’t repair it, they just outright replace it.