Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

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That sucks that it gave such issues. Well enjoy the fruity phone. I think for my next phone I’ll also go back that way for a bit.

I haven’t looked again at your suggestions for getting the app on ios but I do have it pinned in a Trello card. Once things calm down a bit I’ll try again.

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Awesome. I still recommend Ionic as an option to build it cross-platform, with the benefit of having it playable in a browser as well. So then we can all idle our observatories even on our desktops while working or playing other games. Some nice cross-platform cloud saves / syncing will be hugely beneficial as well.


I will still get the backups sorted, I just first got the Play Games logging in working and threw Achievements in at the same time as that wasn’t too difficult.

That sounds like a plan with the web version also.

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I maxed out all upgrades :smiley:



Throwback to one of the original versions of the game. We’ve come a long way since this. It just had basic tap functionality that counted one per second.


iOS apps can only be developed on macOS with Xcode installed

Ah. This is the issue I keep running into regarding this. Thought maybe Ionic had some sort of bypass.

I will get a device one day to do it.

Ok should I upgrade at 100k again, or wait longer this time? 150 / 200k before doing first - its a grind now cos not much is happening

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well you get the option to decrease the bonus objects now so I went to 100k and then just got the token and boom money money money


ok I shall test this

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You only need a macOS device to COMPILE the application when you build it with Ionic. There are many cloud offerings allowing you to offload the compilation for you. You can also use VirtualBox and load up a macOS VM and compile it in there. Apparently that’s what most of the online offerings do for you - run VM’s on demand.


Ok thanks. I’ll check that out.

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Upgrade when you will have 100k bonus. Then immediately burn it on 1 Token.

Constellation parts give much more bonus.

To give you an idea. I had just over 400k bonus. Needed another 6 days to buy first Deep Space Obs. Bought 4 Tokens, and completed Mensa constellation.

Was left with only 440% bonus, but managed to buy 800 (yes 800) DSOs and all upgrades in about 1hours play. With a few +4hour bonus ads thrown in.


I see a Mensa :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes…we have a Mensa :smiley:


Obviously there is going to be some balancing happening but I thought I’d just let everyone run with it for a bit and see where we end up.

So I did it

I also walked around with the game open for the last 1000 so I could get as close to 100k as I could

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That was very close :slightly_smiling_face:

I was too slow! Lol