Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

@wyvern @DarkStar

I’m too tired to code but I must always do something every day so been doing the whole advertising thing tonight. You both found me. Sneaky :slight_smile: There’s a MyBB one too and a NAG Discord one. Just trying to spread the word and build the community.

Edit. Oh and yes, Typhon was my username before Entity.

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Ok so my ads are not working now either they freeze halfway through.

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That is so strange.

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We figured it out, it’s the kak Internet at the shop


So I was just struggling so badly to make any progress without the ads, so I gave in and upgraded, and spent some bonus on an insight token. Now I feel like I have won the game! I have almost no bonuses left to get except the insights. My offline time is up to 9 hours which helps a lot since I don’t have doubling bonuses any more. I have over 1000 DSOs and this was within an hour of the reset. I have 100% tap bonus and have finished the first constellation. It’s fun!


Out of curiosity, why is Sedicillion shortened to SxD and not SeD?


Love the insight tokens, I was at a stagnant point and after spending the token I passed it in less than 20min :rofl: hooked again


I’ll check on that. I copied all the names and short names from a site that just listed hundreds of numbers generated as I didn’t know how to code the formulas to generate the names myself back then. I will look at it again and find the formulas to do it myself. Thanks for reporting it.

@Donisia Good to know. There is going to be a bit of balancing but nothing drastic. Just slightly in order to ‘stretch’ things out a bit.

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Good news, everyone!

Ads started working for me again this morning! I don’t know why, but I am not complaining. :tada::rocket:


Good news yay

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Think I might be “finished”. have got both constellations, all upgrades and only really time bonuses still to get.
To be fair I do think I did a “speedrun” of this latest update, since my 1st upgrade happened at 200k. so I was immediately able to buy 2 insight tokens and use them, and that just boosted me from there :smiley:


That’s good. You have finished what there is. There is some balancing/nerfing/boosts coming in the next update so get all you can while you can.

What numbers are you at abouts? If you change to the scientific view, are you in the 70’s or even higher for your total?

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I did notice my objects found BONUS number thingy is currently at 9000. I suspect it was because i SPAMMED that reduce button and it may have reduced it 1 extra time before realising at had reached min…

just noticed that now. as a result my current bonus if i upgrade now is like 800k even tho i restarted last night.


oh lol, my 100% one too… its on 101%.
Yea thats definitely as a result of me spamming the buy button (since i know i have enough to buy im just rebuying up)


Ok cool thanks. That’s abouts where I thought we would end up, in the 70s to 80s. We are going to go to the 300s so I’ve lned up the next few things but but not ‘activated’ them yet.

Yes I’ve seen a few players, myself included, that managed to speed click one or two levels higher lr lower on those buttons, but don’t worry, it’s fixed in the update :stuck_out_tongue:

Numbers are getting crazy :grinning:


cool. good to know! Will await the next update :slight_smile:
I’m not deliberately cheating i swear :stuck_out_tongue:

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My current stats, I am slowly getting there

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