Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

Should be able to send an update tomorrow. I can do it now but it’s almost time to sleep and last time I released an update and then went to bed and woke up to that big setting page glitch and all the messages that came with it. Not fun. I’ve tested this release on as many devices I could to see if something broke but so far not so hopefully we are good. Till tomorrow!

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Just in time


Haha. Yeah, I just sat down now to make it happen.

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I’m assuming if I do a hard reset it won’t do anything to the achievements.

Also I demand one for my clicks lol


I’m assuming if I do a hard reset it won’t do anything to the achievements.

Nope, they stay. So much so that even I can’t change or even delete an achievement after I’ve ‘Published’ it.

Also I demand one for my clicks lol

This one is added this update


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Good morning. I’ve just send out the new update, “Pale Bot Dot”, and it is live in the Play Store so either let it update by itself or go to the store page and choose ‘Update’.

As well as many small stability changes in the background, these are the main changes:

  • Upgrade available notification - On the Upgrades button is now a small ‘pale blue dot’ that will show if there is an upgrade available to buy.
  • Added setting to set if Omega upgrades to be included in upgrade notification - Change this if you want the blue dot to include the upgrades in the Omega Upgrades section, tap bonus, offline time, etc.
  • Balancing of token bonus for constellations, upgrades costs and upgrades bonuses - A lot of balancing. Tokens weaker but upgrades stronger but more expensive in order to stretch them across the full length of the game and not have everyone fly through them at the first Insight token.
  • Added another constellation - That. Which one? You’ll have to find out.
  • Added more achievements - 21 more achievements added.
  • Fixed side of screen popup text wrap - No more wrapping on the edge. It now just goes off the screen.
  • Added more info to the stats page - Added a lot more info to the stats page. Numbers Overload!

I decided to give the updates names as it’s easier for me to remember what was in each update rather than 0.10, 0.11, and now this will be 0.12. “Pale Blue Dot” helps me know it’s the one where I added the… pale blue dot :slight_smile: Does anyone know what that refers to?

Thank you as always for trying out the game and for all the feedback. It really does help when I get stuck on things to hear what you all think.

If you haven’t already check out all our socials that you can join us on that are maybe on your preferred social network. The main ‘hub’ is the Discord as it is easier to track feedback. See all our links at @IdleObs | Linktree

Otherwise please enjoy the update and keep posting those progress screenshots.


TekDief @TechThief


All research done. Made mistake when buying insight tokens and mistakenly did data upgrade. I suspect that hurt me since can’t afford all upgrade now. But I’m at 37/38 achieves, just need 5000 all buildings hehehehe


Nice. The changes to the upgrade costs means you won’t be able to get all of them just yet. As well as the 5000 might be tricky to get. But we’ll get there. We’re literally trying to get to infinity, which is +e308.


One request, on the buttons in the upgrade menu, the ones with the time and so forth, any way to make them holddownable ? also maybe limit the away time to 12hrs? Also edit the post on SA Gamer - its white text :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s on the list of things to do. I tried to have it ready for this update but couldn’t get it to work just yet. I’m on it.

It’s limited to 24hrs currently. Why do you suggest 12 hrs?

Thanks for that. I have the dark theme on there so didn’t see that.

Just so that it encourages people to come back to the game more often, aka 2 times a day. If it is on once a day, some will forget about the game. That is why the max away time is normally between 8 - 12 hours.

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Seeing some weird Upgrade number suffixes since the update:
UnD, DoD, QaD, TrV, QaV, QiV, SpV stuff like that. Unless I need some re-education?



Yup, upgrade costs have been tweaked so they last longer and you don’t fly through them after your first token. Change to scientific and you’ll see how it progresses.


New stats Oooo :open_mouth:


Shifting the goal posts!!!


A few of the parts of those goalposts are yours! :grinning:

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Damnit @oltman, not again!


I can definitely tell that the 2 google achievement updates were pushed to my device on 1Aug and 20 July. Those are the only times I have unlocked achievements (37/38) :smiley:

Currently sitting at e+129 with 4200 DSO’s, 3.4M% current bonus and 4,8% per 10000 objects :smiley:


Trying to keep the totals looking smooth …

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