Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

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Okay so I got back I to the game again a few days ago. Been enjoying it and managed to upgrade twice, each time doubling the bonus percentage. Before the last update all the other upgrades were all in sight and obtainable, but now after the update not a single upgrade from those other tabs are even close to obtainable. All of them went from one upgrade away to, well, 100+ years away. So thatā€™s very discouraging and a bit game breaking. Iā€™ll wait to play again until itā€™s patched.


Woaw. How do you have -1 token?

I changed the costings because since the token boosts everyone was flying through all the upgrades very early. Now the upgrades will last much longer and there will be something to work towards. Iā€™m also going to add an achievement for completing each batch of upgrades.
Sorry itā€™s disheartening, I rather wanted something longer lasting.


I must add in constellation completedness to the list aswell

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Okay that makes sense. After thinking about it, it makes perfect sense and a better design. Otherwise the later game gets boring as you fly through. Iā€™ll crack on and try to get to 100k% to get my first token


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If anyone is interested in any of the data behind the app just ask. If you want to know anything about earnings then Iā€™ll rather dm you. Donā€™t mind sharing here but this forum is still public so donā€™t want that data out to the world.

I literally googled Idle Observatory the other day and this thread came up, albeit far down the list.

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Almost have a token


Progress report


It fascinates me that Unquadragintillion is an actual word, and itā€™s one of my favourites so far. Iā€™ve caught myself repeating it silently to myself, like some sort of weird new age mathematical mantra :grinning:

Even more that these huge numbers all have names. The weirdest one, that I still canā€™t quite get my tongue around, is quattuorquinquagintillion. Thatā€™s 165 zeros.


Been a while since I posted my progress. I tried to buy a token and then accidentally upgraded with like 10% :man_facepalming:t2:


This is my progress. From here on the game is SUPER slow. Like I can maybe add 20 additional stations to the game. Upgrading will just make it more slow as I wonā€™t be able to afford any of the upgrades, and getting a token is way too far off. I get the upgrades are for people thatā€™s played longer, but itā€™s seriously slowed down the game for people at my stage. Donā€™t know if Iā€™m doing something wrong.


Spend all your cash on data upgrade bonus % and then let your Observatory lie Idleā€¦


The game does go throught fast slow cycles, what is your current boost percentage? Your divisor may be hurting your data upgrades aswell.

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I have been wanting to move that token section somewhere nicely. I just kind of threw it there and it stuck .

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I usually have my phone media volume muted, so donā€™t listen out for bonus sky object ā€œpingsā€.

Just now I had the volume up while watching an add and Iā€™m sure I heard a ā€œpingā€. By the time the ad was over, there was no object. Slight bit annoying that I probably missed it because I cant see/click it while in an ad.

Maybe pause the object timer while an ad is active.


Good idea. I didnā€™t think of that situation, there are too many to think of. Thanks


So close to a token

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the upgrades cost alot :smiley: but soonā€¦ Soon