Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

Got my first Token

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Now it will speed up

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I have all my constellations, and am short 1 achievement (all stations to 5000). It has slowed down soooo much again :rofl:

Achievement idea: OVER 9000! For all the stations upgraded past 9000.


Yup. Each one should be shorter

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Current progressā€¦

I do want to say that I canā€™t use +max my phone groans and moans and struggles to keep up with it.

Also should I turn my millions into tokenz

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Nice. Yeah, I donā€™t actually think that one is achievable right now, only when I add more constellations. But I could be wrong

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Iā€™ve seen that it starts hurting when the max is too high so Iā€™m checking on that. Also, tokens donā€™t give you bonus so I would say rather keep it as bonus for now.

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Working on the next token now. Itā€™s a bit faster at least


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My current stats after almost 3 weeks since my last re-install:

Did my first at 100K Extra %, second one after another 200K. Am waiting now to do the next after another 300K %. With my upgrade bonus at 1.8% and almost halfway there so far, I should reach that some late tomorrow. Used upgrade tokens to do Alpha, Beta and Gamma research. Other than some minor timer bonuses, thereā€™s one Delta upgrade that has a 3 day+ wait period still. All the others are currently showing as ā€œ100 yearsā€.


So Iā€™ve been a bit bad on asking for your help and feedback on things because I donā€™t want anyone to feel like Iā€™m not doing anything and just using your ideas for my own game, but I feel like most people just want to help and feel part of the process in some way, so here I am asking for all your advice/help/ideas/anything else you want to call it, for 2 thingsā€¦

So first thing is the Insight Tokensā€™ appearance in the Upgrades Menu. I just threw it there initially just to get the mechanics behind it working and deal with the visuals later. I think it looks terrible actually with that bar divider and then the Token (the Token is cool. Donā€™t diss the Token :stuck_out_tongue: ) there but Iā€™m not sure where to put it to look better. I can either make another tab next to the other upgrade tabs but I worry it will start getting a bit cluttered, or I can split the ā€˜Data Storageā€™ Tab to have 2 tabs under the main tab like in my pro level drawing.


Or it could even be in a totally different menu, Boosts or somethingā€¦

So thatā€™s the first, Then I recently got an idea to integrate that Observatories find more sky objects per second with the constellations in some way.

The original plan was to have everyone unlock all the constellations until they get to infinite money, then the game resets but you get the ability to make an observatory find more objects. My idea now is to maybe use the constellations that if you unlock all the stars in it that it also enables the same thing rather. I even thought that maybe it could unlock that with each star researched. That way you get the boost and a ā€˜tickā€™ upgrade.

I can make it that you can choose which observatory you want to apply the tick upgrade to and maybe even let you move it around between observatories, or even stack upgrades. But then what type of tick upgrades would work? Double the amount of objects found? x10 objects? more?

So those are the basic ideas, what do you think?

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Im really bad at that kind of thing, aka the mechanics

The token button has never bothered me, I think if you have to, split it like the pro drawing.

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All I can say is that I have accidentally done a data upgrade when intending to buy tokens, so I would be happy to have them on separate tabs. Also so that I donā€™t have to scroll down.

More in the vein of scientific accuracyā€¦ Itā€™s been bothering me for a while so I eventually gave in and double checked: Why did you pick Mensa, Ursa Minor and Canis Major for the constellations when none of those three are located in the area of sky shown in the image? The background photo is of a segment of the Milky Way showing the galactic center. Parts of Sagittarius and Scorpio are in that region, though.

Half my brain reminds me that itā€™s just a fun game, the other half is screaming that you canā€™t just rearrange the constellations and put them anywhere you please! :joy::milky_way:


@Ani Iā€™ll reply later when I can type better

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Can also confirm (what you already know) in that clicking max after a data upgrade lags the crap out of my poor little S9 hehe.

Can also confirm I have mistakingly done a data upgrade when intending to upgrade a token, so there might be something to changing the UI there, but its not a deal breaker, I saw it as my own mistake.

Regarding the balancing and additions. I think its difficult for us to have any real input with that since you have the ā€œbig pictureā€ and can probably better tell what makes for more fluid progression. Right now, yes, theres a brick wall after you hit all the constellations, but no complaints because its Early Access and youā€™re still adding things, so of course thereā€™s gonna be holes. And of course Iā€™m going to be all for ā€œadd more multipliers etcā€ because I want further progression, but it needs to balance out with the early gameā€¦so yea, dunno how much we can really contribute in terms of feedback for that. Happy to TEST it if/when implemented though :slight_smile:

If the bonuses/boosts were to be added, they would need to be very late game atm (cost e130+) otherwise all youā€™re doing is further speeding up the early/mid game IMO.

Yea that 5k achievement is a grind :smiley:


More points for pro drawing version.

Bring the science! :slight_smile: Donā€™t worry, I also had a to and fro about it. I also considered the fact that you see different constellations from the Southern Hemisphere compared to the Northern Hemisphere and was waiting for someone to mention something about it. In the end I just chose a constellation that didnā€™t have too many stars to start with as the first one, then I saw that Mensa is actually referring to Table Mountain so thought that would be a good start. Then each one after that I just chose ones with more stars to research.

Yes it is still a game but I also get what you mean so if you want I can meet you halfway and rearrange them according to what would be scientifically correct, as in if Mensa should be on the right etc. It was literally when I put in the Mensa picture the program put it there by default, and thatā€™s where it stayed.

I have already added a change for that. It will be in the next update or maybe Iā€™ll drop it just to help seeing that a few folks are getting to the higher numbers.


I couldnā€™t find a way to adapt to every different device so I put in a setting that each player can change their maximum max value. It will show the max you can get but stop at the value. Like in the picture you cannsee my max is set to 250 but the current max I can only get is 132.

That was my thinking, as I said originally I wanted to make it only able to change the ā€˜ticksā€™ after hitting infinite money and then getting a ā€˜Finish pointā€™. The plan is to have ā€˜speedrunsā€™ that basically times you how long it takes to get to certain points or infinity. I got the idea from the Cells game that times how quickly you get to singularity.

With more updates it should be better :slightly_smiling_face:

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Come on 5000!!!