Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

Hit 1000 downloads, just waiting for the Play Store to update then I’ll post something.


Thought I’d post my progress


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Did Upgrade #5 this morning. Am working to a stepped upgrade path. First 5 were 100K apart. Next 5 are 250K apart, so now need to get the Upgrade Multiplier back up to 750 000% before doing upgrade 6, then upgrade 7 at 1 000 000%.

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In the next update there are going to be changes to the Insight Tokens, so if you have any tokens currently try and spend them on constellation research otherwise they will be lost. Generally you shouldn’t have Tokens lying around anyway as in Token form the Data Upgrade boost doesn’t give you any benefit. That’s partly the reason for the change of Tokens.
I’d like to send the update in the next 12-18 hours maybe and I apologise in advance if you lose any Tokens.


Another reset for testing

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damn. i bought either 5 or 10 just because my data stuff is in the millions and theres nothing to do but watch it go up :stuck_out_tongue:
Oh well :smiley:

EDIT: yea i have 5 tokens, and a current bonus of 19.985M%. my next upgrade will add 16,947M%…so I wont get hit too hard if I lose those 5 tokens :smiley:


The stats have Insight Tokens listed. Is it possible to add Insight Tokens Spent? And possibly also Research Completed and/or Constellations Discovered?

I like stats, can you tell?


Yeah sorry about that. It’s for the greater good! :grinning:

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Yea no all good. Im happy to be a guinea pig and let you know if/how many are lost with the update.
This is early access. I fully expect to have full on wipes before this thing is properly released :slight_smile:


Sure thing. I’ve wanted to add something like that but been busy with the other things so didn’t think about it too much.


That’s something that people seem to forget. It’s given me a lot of experience in not wiping peoples data for when it is fully released as any little twitch of a change I get backlash :grinning: Which is fine and good as it’s better than no feedback, but still, it was not something I foresaw :see_no_evil:

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Who is giving you backlash - point me at em I will kick their asses

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So here it is as promised the ‘Max q’ update. Get it on the Play Store by either letting it update by itself or by going to the store page and choosing ‘Update’.

The main changes are as follows:

  • Added Max limiting feature - Some devices can handle the ‘Max’ bulk buy setting better than others so added a feature where the player can decide what level works best for their ‘Max’. Now when on the ‘Max’ setting it will buy the maximum able to be bought up till the limit set.
  • Split Data Storage and Insight Token menu - Split them into their own menus with navigation tabs.
  • Added tap popup display delay setting - Players can now change the time that the text is shown when tapping on the main screen from Off to 10 seconds.
  • Fixed sound setting - Made the sound be for the game and not ringtones of call volume.
  • Added quotes on startup screen - A random quote will be displayed on the startup screen.
  • Added another constellation - Added another constellation to research.
  • Removed Tokens - Removed them as they were redundant and will use them later for the purpose they were actually meant for.

Does anyone know what Max q is?

Thank you for all the support and feedback. Keep it coming.

If you haven’t already check out all our socials that you can join us on that are maybe on your preferred social network. The main ‘hub’ is the Discord as it is easier to track feedback. See all our links at


When Bond dies and his gadget man gets revenge on those who wronged him?


There you go. Bought my first Mensa a week ago, and since then been trying hard to work my way back to 100k% for another upgrade. But progress has been very slow.


hee hee. I broke it.
Bought all the new constellation upgrades, and was able to buy the entire n series of upgrades as well. then proceeded to the data upgrade bonus and was clicking and clicking. got to 6.6% at which point its frozen.

CLose/open and it must not have saved as I gotta do the Taurus upgrades again.
Will take my clicking slower this time :smiley:


That update took 15 hours to get approved. It normally takes an hour or two. Must have been some issue their side. Granted it was a Sunday night still in the States but it has been fast previously on a Sunday.
But then again I did notice that the message saying that things may be delayed due to remote work and covid was gone. Maybe Google is back in the office and on a Sunday night there’s nobody to approve apps where previously they would work remotely and approve apps at whatever time. I can see some Google employee chilling playing games with the updates console open next to them.

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You’re almost there.

At least you didn’t lose everything. I’ll have a look if I can replicate that in the emulator.

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I restarted and wasnt able (or willing hehe) to replicate it, but i did go a lot slower. my exact events were as follows:
log in. go and spam all the new Taurus tokens. Tab to upgrades and spam them all complete too. Go to the more general upgrades and began spamming the data % one from 4,9% to 6,6% percent at which time the background counter froze and after clicking a few things google informed me it was not responding.

After restart, didnt spam the buttons but clicked them 1 a second. got past 6.6% (7.5% currently), and then went and did the max objects with all the gajillion money i just made (7500 DSO’s :slight_smile: )

hope that helps, sorry if it doesnt :smiley: