Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

What are you testing? New stuff? :thinking:

Any joy in figuring out the crashed and lost everything issues?

Did my 15th upgrade yesterday. Getting close to completing all the upgrades and trying to OCD a nice round 10000 on all the observatories. Will post a stats update later.



I’ve changed the bonus amounts for the upgrades to make them a bit ‘meatier’ as currently if you do any of the lower upgrades on Delta and above you don’t see a change in the production/s amount because it’s too small of a change. Having x5 in the Gamma upgrades is fine because most are starting out there so it still has an effect, but after that it does nothing really.

Then I’m also testing to get to infinity (1E+308) and all the ‘catches’ that come with that. I’m almost there but still stuck on the ‘Max’ button when getting close to infinity it hits an infinite loop somewhere that I need to work out.

Basically I’m trying to make it that as soon as you hit infinity, the game stops. So I need to catch every place money is added to the total. Even tapping the screen or bonus star etc. Then restart the game with the next ‘phase’.

Yes, it was because I was trying to set up the whole holding down the button on the Omega upgrades so that you don’t have to tap all those times again after a data upgrade. But something went wrong with that and some people hit an infinite loop when that happened and the game somehow managed to lose it’s mind and save 000000’s in the space where data should have been.

For now I’ve just taken out that code to come back to later. That code isn’t stopping people progressing, the E+200’s wall is and I can’t push the wall further as we’ll hit Infinity next so I need to sort that out first.


Constellation research is also all done. (Taurus is the last one at the moment, right?)

My next 3 Sigma Upgrades are 1D+, then 151D+, then 100+ Years away. Next +0.1% Data Upgrade is 10D away. So I’m just going to leave it be until the Next Upgrade % gets over 15M, and then see how many of the Sigma upgrades I can do, and how far down the list I can get the 10 000 observatories.


Ok I seem to have sorted the infinity crashing thing on the Max button. Now I move onto the next part and make sure it works as intended.

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Yay finally my first upgrade and got my first star thingy

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After more testing resets. I think I need to make a save game slot thing where there can be your main game and others that you reset and try things.

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You could always add cheat codes. “For testing purposes only” :slight_smile:

IDDQD (God Mode): 1bil Upgrade Multiplier
IDKFA (Unlock all): Gives 5000 of every Obs and all Constellations.


Wow, those cheat codes throw me back in time :grinning:

There is actually a hidden menu that has buttons that do things like that, yes a hidden menu, but I actually like to play normally and advance properly but the ‘cheats’ affect my main game and I can’t undo. But it’s fine, I’m already ticking on how to do multisaves. Then I can also do the whole cloud save thing.

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Upgrade time! #16 at 20.6M% with 12.3M% in the bank… Need more things to research!

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More testing resets

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Getting somewhere finally


Another testing reset

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And another testing reset.

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We have a token display…again :grinning:




Things are going very slowly now. Just around 9M% Upgrade Bonus growth over a full day. Going to run until I hit ~45.5M% before doing another upgrade - that’ll take my total Upgrade Multiplier to ~100M% with no Research Tokens to spend it on :smiley:


Impressive numbers, and perfect form on those first 3 10k’s. I’m pushing to get the next phase of things done. It’s going to be interesting to see what everyone does with it.

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Attached a token to an observatory, tap it to add it, tap it again to remove it.



Haven’t added the multiplier code yet, just did the visual side of it and the adding and subtracting from the total tokens.

But the tap on and off seems to work well