Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

Looking good.

But will it be one token per Obs? What happens, or can you get 13+ tokens? How/where do you use the extras?

So many questions…


Another blank start. Notice how that token display isn’t showing now. It will only appear once you’ve hit infinity at least once.

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Currently it’s one token per Obs as I haven’t coded more than that, but no, there is no limit to how many tokens. I want you to be able to stack the tokens but only once all the others have on already. Like the Monopoly houses to hotel thing.

But I haven’t gotten there yet :grinning: as usual.

So here’s a question back to you, and anyone else… What should the token multiplier be? It’s going to add a multiplier to the number of sky objects found per second to the Obs. I think x2 is too low. I’m leaning towards trying either x5 or x10.

Once the multiplier code is in I’d need to just take it for a spin and see how the numbers flow. If they’re too fast or too slow.

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maybe something exponential like 5 x 1.2 ^ (n-1). something like that?

That would only be balanced if you upped the cost of the tokens per purchase as well tho…so just a dumb suggestion :smiley:


There are no dumb suggestions here :grinning: Some of the biggest changes were sparked by the smallest suggestions.

I haven’t even thought that far yet, I just had the basic idea of just multiplying it each time, 5x, then 5x x 5x = 25x, then 5x x 5x x 5x = 125x, to start with. I was just first figuring out the 5, or 10, or more multiplier, but it seems like 5x sounds like a good start.

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Every time I make changes



Added the multiplier code and it seems to be working.


I’m actually going to move the text above the token, the text just floating in nowhere land under the token looks strange.


Especially if you see it in its full scale

I also see I can move that text shadow in a bit


I still need to add a few new space quotes, any suggestions?

A few good ones here Space Quotes - BrainyQuote


Thanks. I’ll have a look tonight

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In space, noone can hear you say no


Uhhhh *steps back slowly



Ok I’ve had a look and added these…

Space is an inspirational concept that allows you to dream big.
Space isn’t remote at all. It’s only an hour’s drive away if your car could go straight upwards.

That’s all for now. More next update.

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I think I’ll be able to send out an update tomorrow morning. Think I got everything done for now. There are some things I didn’t get to but I want to get something out, then I can work on the extras.

I’m hoping nobody loses progress or that there aren’t any big glitches this time around.

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What? that was our pub trivia quiz team name at varsity all year :smiley: We even won a few times (before it got “popular” and turned the place into super jock crowded pub)

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Morning all. So the update is out. Faster than I thought this time. It’s the ‘To infinity and beyond’ update. *See what I did there :slight_smile: Get it on the Play Store by either letting it update by itself or by going to the store page and choosing ‘Update’.

The main changes are as follows:

  • Added new ad button for sky objects - Use it to receive 1 hour’s worth of sky objects found.
  • Added more startup quotes - self explanatory.
  • Added heading to data storage menu - There wasn’t one, now there is. We’re fancy like that.
  • Constellation star bonus balancing - Adjusted the star bonuses to have an increasing bonus, not decreasing.
  • Added new constellation - Added the 5th constellation.
  • Added Insight Tokens - Added Insight Tokens for when infinity is hit.
  • Added Sky Objects multiplier - Added the functionality to use Tokens to increase the Sky Objects per second for observatories.
  • Balanced upgrade bonus multipliers - Made the lower tier observatories’ upgrade multipliers higher so it actually has an impact on production boost.

I hope we don’t have too many issues with this update like we did the last one. Then again, we seem to have issues every time, some small, some, uh ,not :slight_smile: Thank you as always for trying out the game and giving your feedback.

If you haven’t already check out all our socials that you can join us on that are maybe on your preferred social network. The main ‘hub’ is the Discord as it is easier to track feedback. See all our links at @IdleObs | Linktree



Reached infinity and got my first reset and Token, without even maxing the new constellation.

First impressions is it feels more like a penalty getting everything reset to 0 than an achievement.
Having to start from scratch with 0 upgrade multiplier hurts.

Some suggestions:
Give the option to not reset on infinite, but cap money at the max. Then you can still buy stuff and reset when you’re ready.
Reset everything including upgrade multiplier, but keep the Omega updates. That way it doesn’t feel like a complete loss.
Looks like it keeps Total Taps stat, but Bonus Taps is reset. I would think that number should stay.

Then something new, and I know some people don’t like it, but add a notification when you’ve reached your Offline Timer to remind you to come back. Can have and enable/disable notifications in the settings.


Yes, I still need to add in the achievements for completing the last 2 constellations, but there’s a bit of a trick to finish the last one without hitting infinity, if you don’t finish all the upgrades. I thought it would add something interesting. I guess not :stuck_out_tongue:

You literally can’t buy anything more once infinity is hit. The game stops and doesn’t accept any inputs or changes. All of this is just to prevent dividing infinity by something which will cause a lockup and infinite loop.

Didn’t think of that. Done. Thank you.

Also makes sense. Done. Thank you.

Something I’ve wanted to add as well and have researched how to do it already but didn’t get too deep into it. Will get to it some time as well. Thanks for the justification to the idea :slight_smile:

Edit: Thanks for the feedback


minor, but play store still tells me latest update is max q update, last updated 20 aug :slight_smile:
about to try it out, lets see how fast i can reach end of this constellation :slight_smile:


Update loaded and after a couple of new upgrades I got infinity and the hard reset.

The start is slow since I’ve been used to the higher numbers , even with the weird number glitch decreasing output.

Now I need to get back to the slower pace again. Was on 110mil percent bonus so I’m sad but like the challenge. Now I need to find out how to get the secret achievement unlocked when you add it.

Darn can't post image of the congratulatory screen and first token.