Idle Observatory - Click, Click, Stars!

oh… i was halfway buying research points when it told me i had reached infinite wealth…is there a reason to start over if im capping it before even getting to all the constellation updates?

edit: OH!. it fucking HARD reset me…so im no longer ahead at ALL :’(
RIP over 200 million % bonus


Yup that was my response as well. It is Soooo slow now. Now I need to temper patience on upgrades again, it feels so weird 🫂


So did you not even get to the new constellation researches? You must have had a lot of built up Data Upgrade Multiplier.

It does take some getting used to, but can you ‘feel’ any difference in the speed/upgrades yet? All those multipliers were updated, granted only from the 2nd bank of upgrades.

Remind me what you’re mentioning here please? I can’t recall.

Oh, there you actually say what bonus you were on :slight_smile:

I’ll try and get that done tomorrow and the timer thing where it times how long it takes to get to infinity.

Infinity is tricky to handle as it locks up the game very easily in infinite calculation loops, that’s why it’s taken about a month for me to get this update out trying every combination to catch it as soon as it hits infinity. because of this as soon as it does hit it the game stops running in order to prevent a lockup. There are ways to get all the constellation upgrades though.

I’m sorry. It was never the plan to have so much multiplier built up, you are just too good at the game with your strategies. It was a means to get you to the infinity, that wasn’t there yet. Now time will be the target with the objects multipliers


Is ok, just need to get a strat working again. I mean I was building multiplier bonus but it seemed like after finishing the last constellation before the update it was taking forever to get money building for the last row of upgrades. 100 years was painful to see with all the constellations unlocked.

Will have to see if I can get the timing and bonuses working to get the timed achievement when you add it.


This has been my favorite update thus far. I went from upgrading once a week to upgrading 3 times in one day. I was saving to get my first Ursa Minor upgrade, and thought I’d wait for the upgrade. Took me before about 6 days of saving up to get to the point to get olons upgrade. Then the update hit, and in one day I got 5 of them, and will be getting the last 2 Ursa Minor upgrades today. Most I’ve played this game in a single day so far. Love it!


Cool. Yeah I think the lower level upgrade boosts and balancing have helped speed things up a bit. Nice work on the rounded 100’s.

Decided on a fresh start to go with the update, so here’s where I called it quits just before updating:

And here’s where we are now:


Going to try a doubling upgrade strategy this time, starting with Upgrade 1 at 100K%. This may take a while…



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So this happened…

I’m thinking its the final upgrade in the Sigma that triggers it. I still need a fair few constellations


Well done. I’m working on that (future feature) still.

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I’m considering restarting

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reaching infinity IS restarting…you just get sky objects a bit quicker :stuck_out_tongue:

and by that i mean your stats etc all reset too, except for time played and total taps


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Do we only get one insight token at every infinity?

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Yes. why? Do you have a suggestion?

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I have a suggestion. Add another token squere per Obs for earning multiplier. So you have a choice to either earn cash faster or bonus faster.


Nope was just curious
I keep moving the token around had it on radio obs first and now VLT next will be ELT. Im hoping to put it on the “bigger” things that it will give me the best boost - dunno if that is wishful thinking

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It increases the number of objects found per observatory, not money, if I understand you saying you’re putting it on things for bigger boost. So most people just leave it on the Observer as that generally has the most bought. More objects faster makes more multiplier.