In the salad it turns bitter
and nope gimme pineapple
In the salad it turns bitter
and nope gimme pineapple
Have you started going orange yet?
A win I’d say.
The apks that she sent my LG wont let me install it
have you enabled it to install non playstore apps?
Yep, I have installed other apps no issue
Alright ill repack it and send it to her again just to try once more.
Todays challenge, try walk/jog for 30min
My wife and I have done well this week. Exercised 5 hours (an hour a day) and ate way less. No sugar at all. Didn’t even have sugar in my coffee.
Well done, this is just the stepping stone to a healthier lifestyle for us all
I haven’t been able to do the exercises this week, but my breathing has improved a lot so I should be able to start Monday.
Food has been pretty healthy, but need more veggies and carbs.
I’ve had cake so…
Exercise can literally be doing arm circles in your chair or bridges in bed, no need for heavy exercise when sick, remember light exercise can often help you recover faster
Cake or slice of cake plus birthdays are special days
Very true. I am doing stretches and such, and some light gardening, so I’m gonna count them
Yep, do you want me to send you the apk for myfirnesspal, then you can see how much energy you’re burning with those activities
No thanks. I’m not on a smart phone. I did the myfitnesspal/calorie counter thing in 2015, so I’ve got a pretty good idea of what I’m consuming/burning in a given day.
I actually had a spreadsheet that would calculate your TDEE over time, and the longer you use it, the more accurate it becomes.
From /u/nSuns on /r/fitness on reddit
And I see there is another person with one of these
I haven’t used these in years, so I can’t confirm if they still work or don’t have any bad macros in 'em (if google docs even supports them)… But someone might find these useful.
You basically plug in your calorie intake from your calorie counter, and your weight each day. It really gives you a good idea of what you’re burning each day with daily life/exercise.
I was down a kg this morning, but I had a cheat meal, so we’ll see what happens. I’ve also drastically increased my water intake, so that will also contribute to a bit of initial add-on.
Not my best week to be honest. Been getting the exercise time in okay, but it’s been so hot this week, I’ve really struggled to make my targets. (I have really dodgy knees, so sticking to a stationery cycle at the moment) Need to find a fan or something to put in the little room where the bike lives over the weekend. That should help get back on track next week.
Food wise, I think I’m okay-ish. A little over on two days according to MyFitnessPal, a little under on 3, so hopefully, together with the little exercise I did do, I’ll be close to static on the scale at Sunday’s weigh-in/
I posted about my week earlier today.