MEW F1 2019 League Races [MEWRL]

Proposal to switch to Thursday:

  • Thursday is no problem
  • Keep it Wednesday please
  • Other, see my comment

0 voters

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Spanish GP delayed to Thursday! Sort your lives out and get things ready for lockdown. Family first, always.

@Camky007 and @Nosferatie - not sure what your lives are like in the northern hemisphere at the moment, just hope you’re being safe and staying away from any and all viruses.

We down here are going into a complete country wide lockdown from midnight on Thursday. Hopefully by 8:30 then most will be safely in their homes and comfortably sorted before the lockdown begins. If not, we’ll postpone a little longer if need be.


@Kwaai - have eventually remembered to send you the league invite. Check your in-game mailbox for it. Sorry took so long… :expressionless:


Thanks everyone! Much obliged! @Avatar, the pressure is still on you!


Ja, I’ve got a feeling you’ll destroy me at Catalunya, I’m just not getting that track.


Pfft I’ll destroy both of you…

Right at the start as I crash into you.


I will be here, safe in F1 quaranteen , locked with wheel unlocked :slight_smile:


It is one of the hardest tracks for me. Even in GTE and Formula 3 on iRacing I actually suck so bad.


why is it so? conrcners? i remember that i struggle with corners somwhere art beggining, they look nice but tricky, easy to spin for me


There is one corner that is a high risk for spinning, at least until you take it at a better angle. I think the difficulty with the track is that one corner goes into the next and then into the next. It takes a fair bit of concentration.

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My issues are all in the last sector. Spin every time on the Left hand corner after the short DRS straight, and again on the right hander before the final chicane. Every bloody time!!


Will check it out, thanks!

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Can someone please invite me back into the league again? I’ll try really hard not to leave it again.


I did already. Probably expired by now… :expressionless: Will again in a couple of minutes :+1:

Thanks @GregRedd.

I’m just so sad though. My Rain 5G keeps disconnecting in the evenings. I’m trying to do time trials now but it keeps disconnecting and then tells me that my lap time won’t be saved.

My Vodacom fibre is unusable. 20% packet loss and under 2 Mbps on a 100 Mbps line.

So I just don’t know what to do. It looks like the only way for me to get proper internet is to move to a different area.


Invite sent. Lots of “Connecting to Server” notifications for me just in doing that simple task, so there may be issues with the Codemasters’ servers at the moment.

This still makes absolutely no sense to me. How can a fibre line perform so poorly? And why only for you? Are they both the line provider and the ISP?


Yeah both line provider and ISP. Have been struggling with Vodacom fibre and their lack of support since last year September.

Rain 5G is so great when it works. If it can just stay up. The signal appears to be relatively stable but in the evenings it will lose throughput for about 10 to 20 seconds or so. In the mornings it’s blisteringly fast and then in the evenings it’s a lot slower.

It looks like there’s just too much congestion here.


Accepted the invite!

Edit: A friend of mine is keen to join as well, i’ve sent him the access code. If that’s fine could you accept his request?


The more people the better!

I spent some time this morning to get the strongest signal on my router. Hopefully it’ll hold up and I can race tonight without the disconnections that I got last time.

Also @DieGrootHammer, your time is amazing on that track!


This is exactly my problem. It’s incredibly hard to carry speed through all the corners, and if I push slightly too hard, I spin. It feels like it’s much easier to spin on this track than the ones before.