MEW F1 2019 League Races [MEWRL]

Stupid Soli!


Guys, I am away from Friday to Friday. If any date suits me it will be Friday, but not counting on it… @Avatar, this is your chance! Don’t blow it! (no pressure) ((reverse psychology))

EDIT: I will risk a game on my laptop with 3g… Whenever you guys decide. But what if my AI does better than me on a crummy laptop? :thinking:


Ooooooooh, I need to start practising!


Did a few laps around Catalunya on my laptop. I think internet will be the least of my worries, the game runs like poo!


hahah Good luck dude


Seeing my time there reminds me to go back and set a proper time. I think that was from when I was just testing out the wheel.


HAM: Jono these tyres are finished man!!!
Sets fastest lap race on the way to P1 finish.

OLT: The game runs like poo!!
Sets second fastest lap time, 10 seconds faster than P3.



1.5 seconds off @DieGrootHammer’s time, when he is in a Mclaren and I am in a Merc… As for the other guys… I think they went out over siesta time in Spain?


Yeah but we all know that Hammer is an alien F1 driver.

Spain is actually quite a demanding track, I have a great deal of respect for the F1 drivers who do hundreds of laps for testing!


@SlinX @Camky007 @DieGrootHammer @Wyvern @Talentloos @Avatar @Solitude @DarthMol

Right, with 8 of the 10 drivers + our commentator voting for Wednesday, that’s the Day of Reckoning for our race in Spain! Hopefully @oltman can suck up his pride and run the game “like poo” anyway, and @Nosferatie will be able to come out of his seemingly self-imposed isolation to jump on as well. Maybe we’ll even get @Kwaai onto the grid too. Either way, should be a good day at the races!


Since everything has been canceled, I think it’s safe to say I’ll actually be able to join you guys for once.
(Don’t get any funny ideas now Eskom)


Could I get a TLDR for the league?

I’ve just downloaded and installed the game and hopefully should be able to join in on wednesday.

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That would be fantastic!

Pretty standard multiplayer league. The league we are currently running is called MEW F1 v2. We are trying to do a full season of GPs in the same order as the official 2019 F1 calendar. We race (hopefully!) every 2nd week, alternating with the Assetto Corsa league races. The week before our race weeks we vote here for the best evening for as many as possible for the next week (that’s the vote we’ve just done to set Wednesday next week).

All the race and assist league settings are here. All league drivers who aren’t able to make a race will have an AI Substitute Drive for them. The rest of the field is made up of AI cars. Because of the issues, weird disconnects and AI Substitute drivers, we don’t worry too much about the League Standings in game, but rather track things ourselves with a spreadsheet. You can find the current standings after Azerbaijan a couple of post earlier.

We try start all our league races by 8:30 PM so that we don’t finish too late. We have a 30-minute Practice session, 18-minute Qualify session, and then a 25% race distance Race (it generally works to around 15-odd laps depending on the circuit length. Spain will be 16/17 laps).

To join the league, either one of the admins or myself must send you an invitation. We can only do that if you’ve launched the game at least once and if we’re Steam Friends. Pretty sure you and I are so will look at that option first. You should get the invitation message in your in-game Mailbox (Home menu, bottom left I think). Will try do that later tonight or tomorrow morning for you.

The alternate way is for you to request to join the league. To do that, head to Multiplayer > Leagues . and then search for a league by name (MEW F1 v2) or use an Access Code (Ours is X9VDG8. You add it after the CM_# bit).

Either way, as long as you joined the league before we open the lobby on Wednesday you’ll be good.

Sorry, not all that TLDR after all. Let me know if there’s anything else you’re not sure of.


I’ve edited this topic with the date for the next race. It now shows up in the community calendar and agenda.

To update the date for the next race, you just click the edit button next to the topic title, then click the calendar icon. That will let you pick a date and time for the next event.

To be fancy I’ve also enabled RSVPs. People can indicate that they are participating by clicking the Going button just below the topic title.

Sadly this all requires scrolling back to the top of the topic. Hopefully the creators of the Events plugin address that in a future update.


Thank you for the write up. I’ll look into those settings and get back to you if there are any more problems. I’ve already given the game a go yesterday for a few time trials so I should be able to receive an invite.


aaah dude. The calendar is amazing. I always forget which week im in. Can someone tell me where and how I access this community calendar?

Edit: I found the calendar.


Expect Aus. Nobody wants to do Aus nor give me points for it… Twice!

As for Wednesday, I will be online with borrowed 3G. Hoping I can join…


So, trip being cut short and I will be returning home by Thursday latest… Any chance we can move the race?


Gee, I wonder why? :grin:

I’m happy to shift it up, since I will probably be at home… every night


I’m happy to move it to Thursday. Would actually prefer it.