I’ve been considering growing a venus fly trap
I’d love to do some windowsill gardening, but all my sills are either slanted, or too narrow…
Congrats, Its twins?
LOL ya. Gonna be interesting to see how they grow and ripen. I just hope they ripen together.
Nice! They look tasty
wow, so jelly! I need to get some Jalapenos going.
What have you got in mind for the sauce?
Just using a random recipe I found online. With onion, garlic, salt, water and vinegar.
Sounds pretty good
Got my second harvest today. Going to try pickling them as I have no idea what else to do with them.
Not too shabby! Enjoy
You can make a paste out of it or you can dry them or make a hotsauce
I made a hot sauce with the previous batch but I wasn’t too happy with it. It’s not bad, but not my favourite.
Do you maybe have a lekker recipe for next time?
The pickling went well, found a recipe that takes 10 minutes and I had some with my lunch yesterday and again today on my broodjies and it was lekker.
My last attempt was a disaster with a recipe I got off the web.
Want to try this one next.
Yeah I also found the recipe online and it looked good but it didn’t turn out great. Its not terrible, but store bought sauces are much better.
I used the pineapple one as a base for one of my recipes, and it is my most popular sauce. People love it.