MEW Gardening Thread

I’ve been considering growing a venus fly trap

these are what i have in my room, windowsill succulents do quite well, excuse the cat


I’d love to do some windowsill gardening, but all my sills are either slanted, or too narrow…

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I’ve created a monster!!

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Congrats, Its twins?

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LOL ya. Gonna be interesting to see how they grow and ripen. I just hope they ripen together.

First harvest


Nice! They look tasty

Got my first harvest from my jalapeños today. Gonna make some sauce later.


wow, so jelly! I need to get some Jalapenos going.

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What have you got in mind for the sauce?

Just using a random recipe I found online. With onion, garlic, salt, water and vinegar.

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Sounds pretty good

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Got my second harvest today. Going to try pickling them as I have no idea what else to do with them.


Not too shabby! Enjoy :slight_smile:


You can make a paste out of it or you can dry them or make a hotsauce

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I made a hot sauce with the previous batch but I wasn’t too happy with it. It’s not bad, but not my favourite.

Do you maybe have a lekker recipe for next time?

The pickling went well, found a recipe that takes 10 minutes and I had some with my lunch yesterday and again today on my broodjies and it was lekker.

My last attempt was a disaster with a recipe I got off the web.
Want to try this one next.


Yeah I also found the recipe online and it looked good but it didn’t turn out great. Its not terrible, but store bought sauces are much better.

I used the pineapple one as a base for one of my recipes, and it is my most popular sauce. People love it.