MEW Giveaways

Hmmm…doesn’t look like the link works

That was what I was worried about, when I did the giveaway it showed it as a gift link that I added to the giveaway - as they told me
Lemme see what I can do

Sorted now, see you sent via steam

yep - dunno why it was acting up so just went the easy route

How do I enter?

Lol, never mind. What is the new group’s url please?

We don’t have one yet I think. @SIGSTART do you want to do the honours?

Have a MEW Steam Group and a special MEW group for users in level 3 on the forum as discussed here:

I have time, so i will start the new mew group on steam :smiley:


There ya go - I am busy adding people and will do so for the next couple of hours

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Thanks, Wyvz. Please add us as mods and stuff so we can help administer the group.

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must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.*

No way I’ll ever get level 3 :crying_cat_face:


You sir still havent accepted the invite . . . .

I did!

(Only last night, but I totally did!)

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Should i do a giveaway with mew or mygaming? im conflicted

Hey Donsie with MEW please :smiley:
We have investigated and most of the mygaming guys have been inactive - the ones in the mew group are active.

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Dankie Donsie! I can tell everyone if you dont have the game yet enter! its loads of fun!

i added another as well :grinning:

I have both dammit! :stuck_out_tongue:

Good luck to all!

Also go click on the Dynamic signature - then copy the link they give and it will show up as fancy as the boys.


Cool games!