MEW Giveaways

Steam keys I assume? How many is “a bunch”? You could post them here, but maybe in between spoiler tags so that they’re not too obvious to a bot. But do add the game’s they go with them so that folk know whether they want the key or not - that Epic game was a shot in the dark!

If it’s only a few, maybe have a look on Steam if there’s anyone who has Wishlisted the games and offer it to them directly?

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Good ideas and thanks. Sorry for being obscure.


Okay, let’s try this…

Steam keys:

  • 1001 Spikes



I have a couple of spare Steam keys floating about for some decent games. Trying a new way to get rid of them…

Select which of the three you want before the poll auto-closes at midnight on Saturday. You can enter for all three if want to be in with a shot of getting all of them. I’ll drop the names of the entrants for each of the games into a random name selector on Sunday morning and PM the keys to the winners.

Steam Game Giveaway

0 voters

* Control Standard Edition is no longer listed on Steam, but this key is for the Standard Edition only, despite what the Store Page says


I got winners!

Control = @Shrike
Endless Space = @Deadlypinecone
F1 2020 = @Dragonic (even with my name in the draw to boost it, you still won :slight_smile: )

Nicely done all! I’ll be sending your Steam Keys to you via PM in the next few minutes. Enjoy the games!




Thank you!


You will love Control dude!

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Lol what, was I the only that entered for that? Also yaaay thanks


I am! It is super creepy fun, although I am using the in game easy mode toggles to make it more fun. This game is hard!

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I wont lie I cheated with a game trainer to finish it.

What exactly is a trainer?

a cheat system :stuck_out_tongue: is what I use

The current version of the game comes with toggles which can make you invulnerable and can 1 shot enemies, nice of them to add that in.

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See we didnt have that! Some bosses I would have done that. Also pro tip - I didnt find it worth it to chase the events

So, after saying that I was going to pause my Humble Choice for July, turns out I either forgot to or (more likely) I didn’t click on enough “Pause My Membership” links in Humble. It’s now too late to pause and I’ve had to claim the games or lose them. Having done that, I now have four duplicates with Steam keys that I can give away.

If you would like any of these games, select the titles in the poll below. You can enter for as many of them as you’d like but can only win one game. Entries can be made until 12 noon on Sunday. I’ll dump the names for each of the games into a random picker and send winners Steam keys.

Please add me to the draw for…

0 voters


I nominate @Wyvern for Kill it With Fire. She loves spiders.


I think @DarthMol hooked her up with it already :smiley:

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Good on you for doing this, @GregRedd!


I did indeed