MEW Multiplayer Evenings - MEWME

I shall be online tonight and on discord from 8ish - if I have it in my library and its installed and up to date I shall join if you guys wanna play something. Anything from Hots to dont starve

So, with tomorrow being a public holiday, anyone up for an impromptu MEWME tomorrow evening? Or even tonight?


I should be able to join.

Edit. Change of plans. Not going to be able to. Didnā€™t know we had things on. Sorry. Next time.

sure why not

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Iā€™ll try and make it earlier than 21:00 today.

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Im at a lan tonight but maybe ill join in between

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The clean parents are visiting, so I wonā€™t be able to join. Againā€¦

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Are we going to play or is it a noshow?

I will be there tomorrow

so no one tonight?

I was on from 7:30 until about 9. So it was way too quick notice so weā€™ll try tomorrow.

damn :thinking: that sucks balls

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Ok I can play tonight! Yay

Back home again, what are you guys in the mood for? I need to check if I have it installed

So nobody again tonight seems lets make it Friday then?

Iā€™m here. Um there.

The next Mew multiplayer evening is
Okay so its left for dead 2 for Thursday night from 20:00

This is the game I was talking about


Iā€™m so miffed my internet shit the bed last night. Iā€™m sure the leaderboard wouldā€™ve been different. But I enjoyed the basketball hoops. Made for an interesting challenge.

Also I would be up for a new game, but Thursday is no good for me. Iā€™ll only be available on Sunday again for some MEWME action.

Also, we seriously need to add Stardew Valley to the MEWME list of games as well.

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Wait there was a MP evening last night? I was on and boredā€¦why didnā€™t I join???

what an ass I am


Yeah dude, it sucks that you had to drop off.

You have Golf with your friends?

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Yip :slight_smile:

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