MEW Multiplayer Evenings - MEWME

Yeah, although I don’t think that anyone goes out of their way to look at those.

Will Make an announcement on it tonight,.

sounds fun, im home then so ill join

Is someone going to play something tonight?

Yes. Maybe some Dark Souls 3, otherwise some Elite: Dangerous because my download will be done in about 30mins or so.

I’ll be playing some Age of Empires Definitive Edition, but I’ll be on Discord as well

Might pop in a bit later.

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We had a quick run of the game last night to test it out and to see how the MP works. We had 2 sessions, and boy were those 2 sessions hectic! My wife kept telling me I’m too loud, hahahaha.

Can’t wait for this evening, it is a lot of fun, especially if you use random shaped balls.


Yes indeed. Last night was just a trail to see, and with 5 people it was pure chaos and awesomeness. That was a lot of fun, and I think we’re gonna have a lot of fun tonight.

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I agree!

Eggs or acorns for everyone!

Okay so all we’ll do is that we will have random balls, but everyone will get the same ball. So if one persons suffers the wrath of the acorn, EVERYONE suffers that fate.

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Yes, that is a much better solution. As long as there are no fucking cones. The randomness is actually quite a lot of fun. But my god is it frustrating sometimes. I think also it would have helped a lot if you knew the course first. Trying to figure out a course for the first time with a cylinder or block is no fun.


Must say my fav where the cube and the star.

I liked the puk. Nice and smooth


Fuck the acorn and the cone. It does make for some very entertaining golf though :slight_smile:

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Yeah the cone is madness.

Looking forward to this

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This is such a great idea. I hope to join sometime. Busy tonight, but will keep my eyes on this thread :eyes:


Little more than an hour and a half before we start. And here are some points:

The game only allows 12 players per session. If we are too many we might split it up into two groups of as equal as possible players.

The game server names and password will be shared in Discord under General and anyone connected to Discord can join.

We will start out with some standard classic games to learn some courses. After those we will crank up the game with the random balls. Collisions will be on at all times though.

If you want to join but can’t or don’t want to connect via Discord, just PM me and I’ll send you the server details.

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