So, some housekeeping. The game can be played with 6 players in one server. Your goal is to not die. We all connect to Discord and kak each other out for not gathering enough food. @GregRedd will die first, probably due to something @SIGSTART did.
Speaking of which @SIGSTART will be hosting a stream, and with it, I assume the server. We will all connect to the server he creates. If there are more than 6 people that want to play, we will create another server, and we can split the people into different teams.
The game is won when the first person can scare @Flex to death. When that happens he will format his C drive and give it to the person that scared him as a trophy.
@GregRedd might still have the old infinite invite somewhere. I haven’t deleted it yet.
EDIT: my Internet is currently down and I don’t have Discord on my phone. Vox promises it will be back up soon. If it isn’t, I’ll play via LTE, but won’t stream.
I survived I am the only one left! @DieGrootHammer@Entity died on the first day we lost @SIGSTART on the second day they came back as spooky ghost and later they where back but it must have been our minds that where playing tricks on us. Me @TechThief, @wenzdayz where left as it got colder and colder it got harder to survive we lost wenzdayz to freezing cold weather we shed a tear and moved on but techthief moved on to far into a pig invested forest where he got murdered by one of the pigs just because he cosplayed as a spider!
And here I am telling you the tail. Winter is here.
Yeah we can give it a go again tonight. I get the crux of the game, you guys are just much faster. You know what to build and what it takes to do it. I spent half my time scrolling through the crafting menu looking what to make and how to make it. Then I spent 10 minutes walking around looking for flint. Seems flint is more valuable than gold
Can I eat the ropes?
Definitely keen for another try at it, but will depend on the day. Drop a note here when you have an idea of when you’ll be playing and I’ll make a plan.
Best would be to tell me I am open 99% of the time at night depending on work. Today works for me
Also I can’t host here where I am the internet is too unstable so will have to be someone that can host.
I can only be later today. Got a client meeting at 12 so should be safe for somewhere from 3. My int is stable but just 10meg, no fibre, so don’t know how the response will be.
If you guys start earlier I’ll join in when I can.