My calfs are still sore, I might have overdone it.
Day 118
Do 2 sets of half your max pushups
Do 1 set of 5 hindu pushups
Do a wall sit for at least a minute
Do 2 sets of half your max squats
Do 1 set of lunges
I skipped yesterday, sorry. I was and still am feeling a bit tender.
Hope you’re feeling better today @Beo
Today is almost everything. But looking forward tomorrow should be a rest day.
Day 119
Do a plank for 30 seconds to 1 minute
Do 5 sets of half your max pushups
Do a wall sit for at least a minute
Do 5 sets of half your max squats
Do 3 sets of Superman
Do 3 sets of Bridges
Did this workout to the sound of generators all around during loadshedding at a sunny window. Was quite awesome.
Day 121
Do a plank for 30 seconds to 1 minute
Do 3 sets of half your max pushups
Do a wall sit for at least a minute
Do 3 sets of half your max squats
But you said it was a rest day!
but I did too much house work yesterday feels as though I never had a rest day.
Day 122
Do a plank for 30 seconds to 1 minute
Do a wall sit for at least a minute
Do 3 sets of Superman
Do 3 sets of Bridges
Do 3 sets of Lunges
Watching this reminded me to post here.
Day 123
Do a plank for 30 seconds to 1 minute
Do 3 sets of half your max pushups
Do a wall sit for at least a minute
Do 3 sets of half your max squats
I some how mixed up my lines while reading this and thought, DAFUQ?! A 30 MINUTE WALL SIT???
Then I read it again and calmed down.
If you can do that then you can sell some furniture and just wall sit all the time.
30 min wall sit yea who needs chairs they over rated
Day 124
Do a plank for 30 seconds to 1 minute
Do 3 sets of Superman
Do 3 sets of Bridges
Do 3 sets of Lunges
Day 125
Do a plank for 30 seconds to 1 minute
Do 3 sets of half your max pushups
Do a wall sit for at least a minute
Do 3 sets of half your max squats
Day 126
Do 5 sets of half your max pushups
Do 5 sets of half your max squats
Do 5 sets of Superman
Do 5 sets of Bridges
Do 5 sets of Lunges
Try a Reverse Plank
In any order you like.
Day 128
Going try something a bit different.
Get a timer going. Then over 10 seconds lower yourself come to a complete stop and then over the next 10 seconds go back up and come to a complete stop.
1 set of pushups using that timed approach
1 set of squats using the timed approach
It will be difficult at first to get the timing right.