MEW Punch Man Challenge

Question: Have you ever tried to touch your toes when you wake up and you can’t? Then later on in the day you can?

Day 131


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Do 2 sets of half your max elevated pushups
Do 2 sets of half your max squats
Do 2 sets of Superman
Do 2 sets of Bridges
Do 2 sets of Lunges
Do a reverse plank

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Day 132


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Do 2 sets of half your max elevated pushups
Do 2 sets of half your max squats
Do 2 sets of Lunges

Day 133


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Do 2 sets of half your max elevated pushups
Do 3 sets of half your max pushups
Do 5 sets of half your max squats

Do 5 sets of Superman
Do 5 sets of Bridges
Do 5 sets of Lunges

Reverse Plank for as long as you can

In any order you like.

Day 134


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Today is a rest day.

Day 135


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Do 1 set of half your max elevated pushups
Do 2 sets of half your max pushups
Do 3 sets of half your max squats

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Day 136


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Do a Reverse Plank for as long as you can
Do 3 sets of Superman
Do 3 sets of Bridges
Do 3 sets of Lunges
Do 3 sets of calf raises


im tired today

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Dude, I was so tired on Saturday and Sunday and still sore on Monday for some reason.


takes about 3 days to recover from pain ><

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Day 137


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Do 1 set of half your max elevated pushups
Do 2 sets of half your max pushups
Do 3 sets of half your max squats

Day 138


@Beo @czc @z1oc

See what the maximum number of Diamond pushups you can do
Do 2 sets of half your max squats

Do a Reverse Plank for as long as you can
Do 1 set of Superman
Do 1 sets of Bridges
Do 2 sets of Lunges
Do 1 sets of calf raises

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Day 139


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Do 3 sets of half your max pushups
Do 3 sets of half your max squats

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Day 140


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Do 1 set of half your max elevated pushups
Do 1 set of half your max Diamond pushups
Do 1 set of half your max normal pushups

Do 3 sets of half your max squats

Do a Reverse Plank for as long as you can

Do 2 sets of Superman
Do 2 sets of Bridges
Do 2 sets of Lunges
Do 2 sets of calf raises

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Day 141


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Today is a rest day.

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Phew… Can we just set aside two days a week as rest days? :joy::sob:


Didn’t I do that?

EDIT: Ok MAYBE I forgot.

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Day 142


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Do 3 sets of half your max pushups
Do 3 sets of half your max squats

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Day 143


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Try do 5 situps

Do 10 pushups
Do 10 squats

Do a Reverse Plank for as long as you can
Do 3 sets of Superman
Do 3 sets of Bridges
Do 3 sets of Lunges
Do 3 sets of calf raises


Day 144


@Beo @czc @z1oc

This is a redefined rest day. :slight_smile:

Do 10 pushups
Do 10 squats

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It’s been a kakday, sorry, I just don’t feel up to doing this today.