MEW Punch Man Challenge

Day 167


@Beo @czc @z1oc @Solitude

Do 5 sets of half your max squats
Do 5 sets of 10 Bridges
Do 5 sets of 10 Lunges
Do 5 sets of 10 calf raises

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Day 168


@Beo @czc @z1oc @Solitude

Do 1 set of half your max squats
Do 1 set of half your max pushups

No resting inbetween

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I hope to get back into the swing of things this weekend. Thanks again @czc.

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Day 169


@Beo @czc @z1oc @Solitude

Today is a rest day


Ugh… Pulled or strained a muscle in my back across my blades. It hurts when I twist or turn and even when I breath deeply.


Ouch, I hope you get better soon.

Day 170


@Beo ← you should rest with your injury
@czc @z1oc @Solitude

Do 5 sets of half your max normal pushups
Do 1 set of 5 Hindu Pushups
Do 5 sets of 6 situps
Do 5 sets of 6 Superman
Do a reverse plank for as long as you can hold it


Day 171


@Beo How you feeling today?
@czc @z1oc @Solitude

Do 5 sets of half your max squats
Do 5 sets of 10 Bridges
Do 5 sets of 10 Lunges
Do 5 sets of 10 calf raises

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Feeling better, I thought it would take a few days to feel right again. Only felt like I needed an anti-inflammatory after lunch, so that’s a good thing.


Day 172


@Beo @czc @z1oc @Solitude

Today is a rest day


Day 173


@Beo @czc @z1oc @Solitude

Do 5 sets of half your max normal pushups
Do 2 sets of 5 Hindu Pushups
Do 5 sets of 6 situps
Do 5 sets of 6 Superman
Do a reverse plank for as long as you can hold it
Do a normal plank for as long as you can hold it

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Don’t do Hindu Pushups on a slippery floor with socks on.

Barefoot is best!

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Day 174


@Beo @czc @z1oc @Solitude

Do 5 sets of half your max squats
Do 5 sets of 10 Bridges
Do 5 sets of 10 Lunges
Do 5 sets of 10 calf raises

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Think I’ll try get back into the swing of things this weekend, if not today.

Just try work around your injury.

Should be able to do the lunges and calf raises at least. Squats maybe.

Yeah, very true and those are very possible.

Day 175


@Beo @czc @z1oc @Solitude

Do 2 sets of half your max squats
Do 2 sets of half your max normal pushups
Do 2 sets of of 10 Lunges
Do 2 sets of 5 Hindu Pushups

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Day 176


@Beo @czc @z1oc @Solitude

Today is a rest day

How are you all doing?

I’m much more stable in lunges now.

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Day 177


@Beo @czc @z1oc @Solitude

Do 3 sets of as many reps as possible of normal pushups
Do 3 sets of 5 Hindu Pushups
Do 5 sets of 6 situps
Do 5 sets of 6 Superman
Do a reverse plank for as long as you can hold it
Do a normal plank for as long as you can hold it


Damnit, I tweaked my back this morning while cleaning up my workspace, some how. Feels like a pinched nerve.

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