MEW Punch Man Challenge

Day 205


@Beo @czc @z1oc @Solitude

Do 3 sets of 50% of your normal pushups
Do 1 set of AMREP pushups
Do 3 sets of 10 Hindu Pushups
Do 5 sets of 10 situps
Do 5 sets of 10 Superman


Day 206


@Beo @czc @z1oc @Solitude

Do 3 sets of 50% of your max reps of squats
Do 1 sets of AMRAP of squats
Do 5 sets of 12 Bridges
Do 5 sets of 12 Lunges
Do 5 sets of 12 calf raises


Hey Awesome! This fits in perfectly with my new monthly challenge for September:

Spend 10 minutes stretching

Many of us spend the majority of our days sitting in the same position hunched over computer keyboards. Even if we’ve ergonomically optimized our workspaces, the human body wasn’t built to stay in one configuration for hours at a time. Taking the time to stretch regularly keeps our muscles strong and healthy.

This month, create a daily habit of setting a timer for 10 minutes and stretching your limbs. You can follow a guided routine or simply move in a whatever way makes your body feel good.


Tell me more about your challenges? Maybe a new thread.


Started out as an alternative to a “New Years Resolution” and instead a means of building healthy habbits. I chose a few things to do every day throughout the course of a month. I find smaller goals are a lot more attainable and you can also reflect on them easier and see or feel the rewards of it while building a healthier life. I created projects and tasks for two categories for this: Monthly Habits and a Goal Tracker.

sigh the place im staying at its hard to keep up with this. Not much space. going to find a park or outside gym area. at least im getting the walking part sorted

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Hmm… My spidey senses tell me something is amiss.


I will be going to the gym again on Monday. Unfortunately I wasn’t all that disciplined when it came to the exercises here.

I hope you are able to maintain distance and masking policies. Gyms seem to be a cesspool for people not bothered with protocols.

Perhaps @czc is just worn out.


Hi, yeah. A week long writing of tests everyday plus work stuff was tiring. Yesterdays braai at work helped, a day in the sun and seeing some retired old colleagues.

Will resume from tomorrow.


No worries, was just concerned is all. Glad that you’re doing a bit better and a little more relaxed.

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I did something wrong yesterday. Omg my hip joint. >< hurts when i move my left leg lol. Its a good but bad pain ><

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That sucks man, I’m sorry for your hurt.

I don’t feel anything.


Okay, lets try get back into this.

Day 207


@Beo @czc @z1oc @Solitude

Do 2 sets of AMRAP pushups
Do 2 sets of AMREP squats
Do 2 sets of 15 bridges
Do 2 sets of 15 superman
Do 2 sets of 15 lunges
Do 2 sets of 15 situps
Do 2 sets of 15 calf raises (Don’t let your heel touch the floor)

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Thanks @czc but I’m going back to the gym on Monday. Am now fully vaccinated and my membership is no longer paused.


Okay Soli, I’ll remove you.

Day 208


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Today is a rest day anyway, because Sunday.


Day 209


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Do 2 sets of AMRAP pushups
Do 2 sets of AMREP squats
Do 2 sets of 15 bridges
Do 2 sets of 15 superman
Do 2 sets of 15 lunges
Do 2 sets of 15 situps
Do 2 sets of 15 calf raises (Don’t let your heel touch the floor)


Day 210


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Do 2 sets of AMRAP pushups
Do 2 sets of AMRAP squats
Do 2 sets of 15 bridges
Do 2 sets of 15 superman
Do 2 sets of 15 lunges
Do 2 sets of 15 situps
Do 2 sets of 15 calf raises (Don’t let your heel touch the floor)


Day 211


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Do 3 sets of half your pushups
Do 3 sets of half your squats

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Day 212


@Beo @czc @z1oc

Do 2 sets of AMRAP pushups
Do 2 sets of AMRAP squats
Do 2 sets of 15 bridges
Do 2 sets of 15 superman
Do 2 sets of 15 lunges
Do 2 sets of 15 situps
Do 2 sets of 15 calf raises (Don’t let your heel touch the floor)

Try this:

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