MEW Punch Man Challenge

I just mean I am not exactly following any specific eating plan to assist in the improvement and betterment of the exercise.

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I donā€™t really think you need to worry about that at the moment. The idea was to just start and get used to doing something until it becomes habit.

Make sure you get good sleep and eat enough protein and that will take care of muscle growth when you exercise.

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want me to send you my diet plan? you dont have to follow the diet exatcly, but can ammend and adjust to your needs - it helps me to go back to it for ideas

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My diet consists predominantly of carbs and startches currently. :worried:

Yea that is where you need to make the change.

My goal is 5 fruit/veg per day.

I have 3 portions for breakfast in my smoothie, I have at least 3 for lunch - aka huge salad with some proteins and cottage cheese. And then one more portion at dinner with meat and a tiny bit of carbs.

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Ha, on keto mine is the exact opposite.

You are quite thin, arenā€™t you? Time to get some protein to get @Flex like muscles.


Day 6

@1nF4m0u5 @Beo @czc @Donisia @oltman @z1oc

Do 2 Sets of your initial max reps that you recorded and then a final set of as many as you can.

Do 2 Sets of your initial max reps that you recorded and then a final set of as many as you can.


HA! Budget doesnā€™t currently allow for such luxuries :rofl:

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Dude, I had to make huge changes to afford it, but it is worth it.

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Was this for yesterday or today, Iā€™m losing track?

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For today. I thought I would post the night before incase people want to get started in the morning.


This is gonna break meā€¦

ā€¦ Feeling good though.


You can do it. Iā€™ll add dates in the future to make it clear.


Day 7


@1nF4m0u5 @Beo @czc @Donisia @oltman @z1oc

Tomorrow is a rest day. Try and get outside and walk for a bit.


haha thatā€™s fits perfectly as tomorrow Iā€™ll be walking my kid and to and from school, every day.


So, since we have a rest day, on the way walking my son to school I used that as a warm up to a run home. Wow! Though I had to take a break and walk for a minute before continuing, I somewhat managed to run hom. Just goes to show how unfit I am. I am keen to get jacked.

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Day 8


@1nF4m0u5 @Beo @czc @Donisia @oltman @z1oc

Do a new maximum amount of pushups and squats to failure (hopefully we can do more now than Day 1.)

Then take half of that and do another two sets.

Whatā€™s your interval period between sets?

Quite long sometimes. I study in between sets.

But if you do it short its good cardio I think.

If I do it shorter then its 3 - 5 mins. Pushups Squats Pushups Squats etcā€¦

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Aah, that makes a bit more sense.

Iā€™ve been doing around 30s rest period between pushup sets, then move to squats and the same applies.
eg. 5 pushups - 30-60s - 5 pushups - etc.

I think it will be better to take your approach in this regard.
eg. pushups - squats - pushups - squats