MEW Punch Man Challenge

Currently on

100 sit ups
70 squats
50 push ups but in sets of 10-15
have not run yet ><


Day 9


@1nF4m0u5 @Beo @czc @Donisia @oltman @z1oc

Is a rest day.

Is it difficult to get your workouts in or is it a part of your day?


I’ve actually just now finished my workout for today. Granted my shins have been sore but didn’t stop me from doing the above. Guess it’s all just a mixture of life, kids, chores, house, wife etc. that just makes you lose track of time. That being said, I did also walk 5km today.


I try do it as soon as I get home in the afternoon


Im finding it difficult as I have a physically demanding job as well :sweat_smile:


Day 10


@1nF4m0u5 @Beo @czc @Donisia @oltman @z1oc

For both your pushups and squats.

For set 1: Try do the max you recorded on Day 8
For set 2: Do half of what you recorded
For set 3: Do as many as you comfortably can


Should I be recording e’ryday?

You don’t have to but it does help keep track of your progress.

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Im going to try keep up with the challenge but will probably miss days here and there

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Phew :sweat:

Tired, huh?

Day 11


@1nF4m0u5 @Beo @czc @Donisia @oltman @z1oc

Today is a rest day.

Do you feel differently than you did when you started?

I’m not how to answer that. I don’t feel sore but I do have that feeling like I’m a little tense, you know, when you stretch it feels good. I have noticed I feel a bit more tired, perhaps due to the extra exertion. Otherwise feeling good.

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O wow must say its getting harder but some times easier

One thing I know for sure is I suck at push-ups no wonder he does it with One punch

Yeah, the pushups are my hardest challenge.

I find myself getting hungrier over a week in now. Have to stop myself from eating more.

Day 12


@1nF4m0u5 @Beo @czc @Donisia @oltman @z1oc

For both your pushups and squats

Set 1: Do half your new max recorded + half of that again (so 3/4 or 75% of the new max)
Set 2: Do half your new max recorded + half of that again (so 3/4 or 75% of the new max)
Set 3: Do as many as you can comfortably do (not to failure)

Although @1nF4m0u5 you’re in hospital. So chill and let the doctors do their thing.


Day 13


@1nF4m0u5 @Beo @czc @Donisia @oltman @z1oc

Today is a rest day.

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I’m gonna pause this challenge just untill my hand is 100%. Knowing me I’d still continue with the way it is now and mess it up further


cant reset today as i did not do anything yesterday work urg sometimes its like working remotely has no time limits


Same here, the day just ran away with me. Not just work but family and kids etc. As a result, I will do yesterdays sets, today.