Need advice on a really good, long lasting non stick frying pan

So many opinions and reviews on products out there. I just want to get one that lasts a long time, preferably a 28-30cm one and under R1k


Replying to subscribe to the thread, I am also keen to see the results.


I have my eye on


As an example, but it is hard to find out how these perform a year later


Avoid teflon and go for ceramic. I have a ceramic wok and it is great. The only problem is I used a wood spatula and broke some ceramic off…


I’ll ask my lady but I think we have a Tefal set…as long as I stay away from them (i tend to stir shit with a fork, that i then eat with, less to clean up) then they keep their non stick. suits me fine, i’m happy for my lady to do the (pot based) cooking :smiley:


Tefal and Le Creuset are both great brands to buy pans for. They are on the expensive side, but definitely a great investment. Just please do not use any metal utensils when working with the pans!


I bought a Tefal set. Not nearly the quality that was posted on that yuppiechef link, but I am not happy with them at all. I bought then in 2014, and they’ve all got chunks of teflon missing, and the handles become loose and need tightening all the time.

And I only use plastic utensils on them.


This pan

I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove mine, I recently got it for myself, after we got one for Nima about 2 years ago. After 2 years, it is still in 99% condition, you can literally throw any sticky cheese in the pan and it will not stick.

I got lucky and grabbed their floor model, which has a tiny dent in it - barely noticeable - only when you put the lid on - for R800)

To give you an idea, I heat up the pan, then a drop of butter (this pan you need minute amounts of oil/fat in the pan its amazing for healthy cooking) I then take the pan off the heat, crack an egg into it, splash of water, put the lid on within 3 mins you have a perfect soft sunnyside up egg.

Only use wooden or nonstick items in the pan.

Also this pan is a little bit deeper than normal, so I make pasta, risotto and stews in it.


I recently bought a Tefal Extra 30cm, its soooo nice :smiley:
I can’t comment on long lasting however since it’s still new.

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How well does it cook without any oils/butters? Can you throw in an omelette and cook it without it sticking?

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I use a little spray and cook in those cases, but honestly if the food has any fat in it, I dont bother.
Or if the food can use water as a base - I dont think I have tried it completely dry yet, but seriously I think this pan can do it.

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This pan seems like a serious contender for my money.


Dude a friend had the 24cm pot and I made risotto in it, and managed to get the rice to form a crust without burning.

Do you know how hard that is to do!?!

This is the reason I grabbed it for Nima, and now for myself. It takes us over 6months to use 500ml of olive oil

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I see you mention that you only use wooden implements. What kind of wooden spatulas do you use and can you use plastic?


Plastic is fine, we just have a couple of wooden spoons/bamboo spoons that I use as well. I have discovered in this pan something that works amazing is silicone implements:

I should add I just grabbed some cheapie plastic utensils to dish up with from the crazy store and it works like a bomb


We grew up with AMC in our household, and I swear by the brand. They are the best! Granted they are expensive but it is lifetime cookware.


Wow, that looks amazing! My dad was looking for an oven safe pan, and this fits the bill. Price seems sensible too. Out of stock though :frowning:


Phone your nearest store -I have a feeling they are removing these from stock and I still want to get at least one pot!
They do have these -;jsessionid=1W2HxehzZ5THTSWfT5VeS3uKMQ3RpcSvVeNV0A27.tfg-prd-com-85

I havent found an alternative that I love like this. I am THAT fussy in the kitchen (Ask @DieGrootHammer about the knives i would bring when we would have a braai cos I didnt trust his :P)

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i was just gonna post that exact same pan hahahaha

these pans really are good. they keep their shape and work awesomely! This pan also allows for oilfree cooking. i have made many a dry-rubed stake in it


Dis n amazing pan ne! jirre dat ek so kan drool oor n pan :stuck_out_tongue: