Offbeat . . . Off Topic

Im one of those who need total darkness to fall asleep and I use a white noise generator as well - the nights I forget to use it, I tend to struggle to fall asleep.

I also drive people nuts cos I use apps like f.lux on pc and on my phone to help with the light / screen issue - since I read on my tablet or phone a lot before bed it has helped a huge amount.

I do only sleep 7 hours at night but my body loves taking a nap just an hour or even 30mins during the day


Yeah it is cool, especially that water area. Yeah that one is awkward to see. You can see the one side from kind of in front of it in the water, but the other half you have to stand almost at the exit and look in the water for the reflection. Something like that if I can remember.

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Yeah white noise is one of our main things to help. We have quite a loud fan in the room and an aircon which both brrrrr and mmhhhhh all night. If they are off the room just sounds ‘weird’ :slight_smile: Too quiet

ONLY 7 Hours?

I sleep 4-5 Hours a night, used to be even less when I played CSGO Competitively.

5 Hours is the optimum I believe. More than that and I feel tired all over again

Will check a bit again tonight. Frustrating game to play when very tired late at night!

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Yeah. I’v played many puzzle games while tired and find myself getting stuck and annoying myself because of not being able to figure things out.

I wish that was enough for me, My issue is I wake up about 4 times a night average.

Sounds like you never really enter REM.
Or do you wake up for a specific reason such as a child?

If I dont get 7, you dont want to deal with me, trust me!

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Wooahw! So even worse than usual?? =D

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Yep… Ask @DieGrootHammer he has seen me in the morning - its not safe for anyone in general, I am not a morning person.

Greetings peoples …

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Very bored at work! Sitting on MyG and reading through some of the very first threads before I got there. Enjoying it quite a bit


nah I just wake up for random reasons.

thats me too a lot of nights. have to force myself to stay awake until i can no longer keep my eyes open and then go to bed which is normally around 23:30 then i wake up maybe once or twice.

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I hope none of you have little kids, or ever planning to get. Going to be a hard life then !

nope nope nope nope nope, (added because body seems unclear is it a complete sentence)

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nope and nope, but i have cats that are like toddlers who wake you uo at 5:30 every morning for breakfast and they dont stop until they get breakfast

Jy! So this is where all the MyGaming peeps have moved to. It was kinda sad logging into MyGaming today for the first time in almost a year, just to find out that the forums are deserted and everything shut down. Maar nou ja.

Hi everyone! Graal here from the old MyG forums.


hi Zoopy, Welcome!