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Morning peoples!

That’s the worst!

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Morning peoples :slight_smile:
Shit day yesterday, got contacted via FB to contact somebody regarding work. The person got my name from a mutual friend he named and said it was from a golf club my friend works for.
All checked out. Wanted to meet me this week. I was free yesterday so I confirmed the appointment.
I drove 150km only to be asked to meet somewhere a little further, then a little further…
I felt uneasy so I gave @Wyvern all my details to track me via cartrack or SACAN in case I went missing.
The last address they wanted me to go to was a residential address in chatsworth, thats where I bailed. The guys stopped answering their calls and went silent. I contacted some people I know in the security industry and the one number is associated with an attempted car jacking.

Cost me R700 in fuel and a missed chance to pick up my copy of Forza 7.


Wow scary dude!!!

Morning people of the palace

Tired, struggling to study, more because the work is dull.

Yoh Snowbeast thats wild.

I got very lucky and was very lucky @Wyvern was on the ball and able to help out


I’m glad you turned around @Snowbeast and that you are alright.

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Glad you’re still alive.

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So damn difficult to find a D&D party taking in new people, and even worse trying to establish your own party! People are so bad at committing

Holy heck. Glad all is good @Snowbeast. The cost of fuel and missing out on Forza are minor issues compared to the kak that could have gone down. Have you spoken to the friend that they named?

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I have, he only replied after I got home, doesn’t know him at all.
Facebook gives away too much information


^ This x 1000%!!

Hope you find yourself a great party. D&D can be so much fun.

Been trying to quite some time. And tried twice now to form my own party. No success. So my Critical Role dose will have to do for now I guess

Morning mebs, so does anyone who has not voted want go break this tie pretty please Titles titles everywhere

Also took a sick day today because I started feeling flu/cold symptoms Saturday already, went to work yesterday my throat hurts and I feel bouts of feverishness, that being said I want some objectivity.

I always feel bad when I take sick leave, which is rare, normally I would just power through this and go to work but I decided not to for once because why should I, I told my manager yesterday already I was not feeling well and would let him know and last night I told him i’m still feeling meh,then this morning I let him know that im not coming in.

So he is like sure, just bring me a sick note , I just flat out told him why should I its a Tuesday its one day and I’m not going to pay R500 for flu :rage:

Am I wrong here I mean seriously I get that people get “sick” but I have never in the 4 years of work shown any kind of behavior like that, maybe i’m reading this wrong but it upsets me, I wish I could just not give a shit about stuff like this.


Usually one day should not require a sick note

labor law more than 2 days or r on more than two occasions during an eight-week period requires a note, its just the principle pisses me off, that and my weird misplaced guilt like i’m letting people down, meanwhile i’m pretty sure nobody gives a shit


How do i insert a youtube clip so it shows the image?

figured it out

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Aloha people of the place

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