Do yourself and your bank account the favour of skipping the specialist physician route. My wife did exactly the same thing and we ended up spending R50k that year in tests that he wanted to perform. It ended in frustration, heartache and loads of debt and her skin problems still weren’t solved.
Most woman have skin problems due to hormonal imbalances. The appropriate doctor to see in such a case is an endocrinologist. You might have too much or too little progesterone, which can also cause fluctuations in glucose levels, which can have skin, weight and blood pressure problems as a result.
The treating your gut, giving antibiotics, feeding roacutane, specialist creams and washes and whatnot never end up solving the problem. You always get the same skin problems resurfacing months later.
greetings ! this was one of the scariest morning on the road ever, i couldnt see infront even with the wipers on full tilt i had to drive using the media screen and dashcam for vision with my hazards