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Telkom se GAT!!! They almost cost me my house because they blacklisted me for an invoice I never received. So #FuckTelkom


mornings mornings!


My car is ready, im too scared to pick it up and see the bill.

Loving PUBG mobile. played 4 rounds, 3 top 10’s and two wins - dunno why it took so long to get it


See our issue with Telscum is the old wiring. They refuse to rewire the neighbourhood’s cables. And we are still in what I lovingly call the blackhole - There is a 8 block radius that has no fiber and we are literally the edge that doesnt get any.

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Yea, there is no way they will rewire the neigbourhood’s old wiring. Probably going to cost them way to much money and effort. Even if they decide to do it, it’ll probably take another few years

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Yep and its something I have been fighting them about for the past 4 years

The best part is, we have an ass who lives down the road who doesnt clear their trees near the lines, so their one tree manages to cut the cable at least ever 2 years and telscum just splices it.

And according to WebAfrica, telcom has downgraded my line to 5meg without telling me.

Would you guys say that the code used in a remote like for your tv is unique to the said “brand” of tv or would you say it forms part of a universal library that is available to everyone, unless you design and manufacture your own IR receiver and chip? i know there are libraries available that you can download which already contain all the code needed in order for it to work with certain devices or which you can use to program a device.

im not sure if the way im putting it is clear, as i cant give more info than that without disclosing confidential info that we are working on.

i dont think the code is unique as it forms part of a public library, and most manufacturers arent trying to re-invent the wheel. so in essence you would not be able to say the way you programmed a remote is unique if you used a public library such as NEC etc?

Same thing happened to my parents a few years ago. They have a 10MB line and randomly one day it was 6MB. It literally took weeks for them to get it back to 10MB and it’s still not running at max. It’s currently sitting at 8MB but at least it’s “stable”.

I would think there’s a frequency each manufacturer uses that makes it unique to them? I might be completely wrong on this and i probably am :grin:

The codes are open source, so anyone with the code can do it - and the codes are easily found all over. It is unique in the sense that certain codes works with certain remotes/tvs

But overall its not state secrets

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Yea we had the 10 then was dropped to 6 fought them back up to 8 on an ISAM connection

And now magically back to 5 but we sync between 0,5 and 1.5meg

That sucks. The worst part is when they do eventually send a “technician” to come have a look, he/she always shows up when you’re not home :+1:

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Talking about line speed, I need some advice please.
Ladysmith Wireless is coming to do a site inspection to see if we can get their internet.

My options in my price range are either 2mb uncapped or 100gb capped but gets about 8mb/s.
For an extra R200 I can get 4mb uncapped or 150gb capped.

My wife wants to watch documentaries on netflix and I want to update my xbox - not at the same time though.

I would suggest go with the higher line speed. The quality increase you get in streaming makes it just worth the money. The cap is a bit low, but should be okay if managed properly. And also ask what is their policy on shaping and throttling on the uncapped lines.


I agree with @DieGrootHammer, the higher line speed is always an good option but you’ll have to look into getting a larger cap. 100GB will be fine if managed properly but having more internets is always good peace of mind

Third the higher line speed. Especially if you want to keep the missus happy with decent Netflix streaming. (Remember though to set your preferred streaming definition to Standard on the Netflix site to save a bit of bandwidth.) Uncapped is pointless if you have kak line speed. Maybe ask about Top-Ups for those months that 100GB is not enough.

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Gurd MEWning all!

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That soothing boxer engine rumble will take away the pain of the bill.


Thanks for the internet input - site inspection should be next week.

Got my car back, was a grand less than what I expected. Decided to put a better battery but had to change connections and make space for it.
Pulled the spanners so he only charged me parts.

On my way out he tells me if I had spent R1000 a couple months ago it would have saved me R5000. :slightly_frowning_face:


What was the issue?