Project Cars 3

Official release is in 3 days time. This period is a bonus only for those who bought the Deluxe Edition.

Poor souls… Might look at getting it when it’s around 70% off.

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Straight shooting from the shed-dweller.

Thanks Jimmy.


Okay, so I’ve read a bunch of reviews of PC3, and many critics actually like the game. So I’ll again state point I made earlier; while the game may not be aimed at the hardcore, there seems to be some people that wi enjoy it and perhaps even get more involved into Sim racing and into the more hardcore stuff. And it’s not liked were spoiled for choice for good sim racing titles. So while Jimmy made some excellent points, the hardcore of us will look down on the game, but the “gamer” audience should enjoy it.

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Just came in to say much the same. I think the main source of disappointment for me (and others I’m sure) stems from the fact that it just doesn’t fit the established Project CARS franchise.

All they needed to do was repurpose and repackage it under the GRID banner, or even as an old NFS: Shift style reimagining under a new IP banner, and people would be praising them.

I think a lot of people who are familiar with the previous PCARS games were hoping that PC3 would build on the two earlier games. (And hopefully correct some of their shortcomings at the same time.)

That this release is so far removed from the roots of the “Community Assisted Racing Simulator” project that was so instrumental in starting the franchise is what saddens me the most.

But you’re absolutely right - SMS and the developer team that worked on PC3 do not deserve much of the salty vitriol being directed at them. They have delivered a solid gaming experience all round and they deserve to be celebrated for doing so under the present global circumstances. I just wish they hadn’t called it Project CARS 3.


This sums up my entire viewpoint. The game deserves credit for achieving what it did, it just does not warrant the Project CARS name as it is not a progression from the first 2 games (from what I have seen and read). I really hoped that with Codies acquiring SMS that Codies now have a “simulation” studio in their camp, but they seem to have ditched that pedigree for a game that is just way too similar to GRID to stand out.

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I unsubscribed from this guy. 21 minutes of dripping sarcasm throughout…

I get it, SMS told him this would be a sim, and its not. Now he makes anyone who likes sims more than arcades look like complete asses. Good job getting better exposure for the community! I am sure there are loads of people who will enjoy the game.


Do as you would, if you were face to face. Vote with your wallet, not your malicious intent hours in the making video, where you rant to your 5 followers. A well reason normal genuine and authentic sounding review would have gone much further. Now if you do well on the video, you garner the support of other mal intent internet trolls looking for drama.

Fucking disappointing, cos he has made some stellar content.


*MIght look at getting it when it’s at least 75% off.

Thanks for the videos and input everyone, very insightful.

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Ooh, I might get a copy of PC3 for review :wink: I will let you know, do a stream, and then you can ask any questions you want :smiley:


Looking forward to your review and stream - let us know when (if) you’ll be live so we can come distract support you :smiley:

Meanwhile, it hasn’t even officially launched yet (only for early access) and already…


It is time to come out from the dark corners of the internet, @GregRedd… Come to the light! It is warmer here!

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Wait how can you get a review copy of the game?


Review copy confirmed :grin: I will live stream some gameplay on Saturday evening, 8pm-ish


Nice looking forward to what you think about the game.

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After a few hours in the game I can sum it up like this:

The game is better than GRID, plays pretty well on a controller, and can be quite fun IF:

  • you play it like the game it is, not what SMS promised it would be
  • you dont play it with a wheel
  • you leave your snob “sim racer simulation specialist” hat at the door

So if you liked GRID, you would like this. In fact, the game it most reminds me of is Gran Turismo 2. Simcade, lots of progression in the career mode with XP for clean corners and overtakes, and loads of upgrades available to pimp your ride into higher classes.

I would give it a 3 out of 5 as a “game” and a 1 out of 5 as a Project Cars title. They should have named it something else.

PS: game crashed about 5 times in 3 hours.

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Nice summary, thank you! Pretty much confirms what others have said. And as much as I enjoy the occasional controller hoon around in a GRID or NFS-style game, I just can’t justify paying close to R1k for it right now. Doubly so if it’s going to be crashing on me as often as yours did!

I noticed in Dirt Rally 2.0 that there’s suddenly a lot of Project Cars 3 banners and ad boards all over the game. They’re really trying everything to move copies of the new game.

Sorry to have missed your stream - Saturday’s are family game nights - but will definitely be over there tomorrow AM to skim through your VOD.

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25 minutes in and @oltman has got through the intro race (poorly) and is now still trying to figure out the settings to sort out his screens and to get the controls on his wheel to respond.

The best bit so far is “She said ‘climax’”!


I gave you a text summary above, dont waste your time with the vod. It is shocking! :flushed:

The last 30 mins or so is me playing on controller if you want to see the game in its natural intended habitat.

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