Starfield: Made for Wanderers


Thought I would share a followup video he made, obviously people can play the game the way they want, but if I was playing the game, or, when I eventually either get a better PC or RAIN gets their ass in gear and get Geforce NOW up and running, allowing me to play the game, knowing this has helped me.


No space travel and battles for me - makes me motionsick.

So far what little I have played, was fun, no idea what I am doing

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Any good tips for handling, storing, selling, managing loot in general?

I canā€™t figure out why I canā€™t store stuff in my ships cargo hold. I keep dropping everything randomly because I click on the wrong thing. Iā€™ve lost my favourite spacesuit somewhere and I just canā€™t find it.

Whatā€™s the ā€œpathā€ from picking up an item, transferring it from my character to my ship, moving it from the ship to my Lodge or Outpost store? And do I have to physically be in front of the storage area to access the stuff - i.e. are storage places linked at all?

Is there a better place to sell stuff than the Trade Authority terminal at the New Atlantis spaceport? He never seems to have enough Credits to buy anything of value.

Going to reply for the PC not sure what the controls are on other platforms, the game does very little to explain anything:

  1. To store things in your ship cargo hold you need to be within 300m of it. Press the H key (ship menu) then F (cargo hold). It will show you what is in your cargo hold in categories. While in this interface change to your inventory (Q), open the category of things you want to move and then click on your item, it will move it to the ship cargo. To get it back, do the reverse.

  2. When you get a companion, you can ask them to carry stuff for you, basically doubling your carry weight. To do this, talk to them and ask them to trade gear. The interface is the same as above, you switch between your inventory and theirs.

  3. When you go to a shop, you can select to sell from your inventory or from the shipā€™s cargo hold, same interface again to switch between, the UI at the top will tell you in cryptic terms which inventory you are working from.

  4. To sell stuff in New Atlantis you can follow this route:
    a. The trade authority terminal
    b. The Mercantile shop: run down the ramp, take a left and go straight, the shop there can be sold to
    c. Just outside the shop as you exit it from the other entrance to it is a lift, use the lift and choose The Well. In there you will find the real trade authority which has 11k credits you can sell to, also 2 other shops that will buy things from you.
    d. Go to the trade district: there is the UC you can sell to as well as Outland, a gun shop you can sell to.

  5. Once you have unlocked the Order safe house, you can go to your room and offload things in there (note, this storage cannot be sold from at a shop or used in crafting menus). In the basement of the Order is a crafting area with a storage box where you can store all your resources in to use at the various crafting benches there. Again, you will have to take all the resources from your box into your own to use them in crafting.

Hope this helps!


So, I played around 2 hours of the game tonight andā€¦ Iā€™m not feeling it yet. I dunno if Iā€™m just burnt out on gaming in general or just tired from all the work, but I felt severely underwhelmed by the game.


I did some of the main quest last night and then joined a faction. Donā€™t know whatā€™s spoilers and whatnot. But when joining the faction you can view the history of everything and thatā€™s pretty cool.

I also went to go visit my dream home! Definitely going to make it look nice once I have the resources.


Playing this game just makes me want to play more Elite Dangerous.

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Im still exploring the planet where you get sent the first time round - my brain wont let me leave until the survey is done

At least you all will be proud, I have stopped picking up EVERYTHING not glued down


Happy with this oneā€¦


/rant on/

WTF is with the difference between the player charactersā€™ walk speed and run speed?! Especially irritating when you have one of those ā€œFollow this personā€ tasks. At a bare minimum, why isnā€™t the base walk speed the same as the NPC walk speed?

/rant off/



Oh, you also have those arguments with yourself, or in your head too.

And why can it not be toggled? There is a walk, run, and sprint.


You would think, that after all the Elder Scrolls and Fallout games, that Bethesda would learn how to match your walking speed with NPCs by now.


Play with a controller so you can control the walking speed with an analogue stick?




Right, after a solid 15 odd hours I am afraid that I might have overhyped the game in my head a bitā€¦

Its a great game and I like it, but I am struggling to play it. I lack the motivation or emotional investment into the characters. There is just something that feels off.

I am sure that I will eventually play it more, as I had similar issues with Cyberpunk and even Skyrim (for a more relatable example) . Eventually I finished both of them when done in my own pace, and years after release when the hype has worn off.


I got a good chuckle out of this:


I actually have the total opposite experience. I was always going to play the game because I love Bethesda RPGā€™s but Iā€™m not really a big sci-fi fan so I didnā€™t hype myself up for the game. I barely watched any videos but a few days before early access launched I decided to just get it.

I couldnā€™t be happier. I am absolutely LOVING the game. I just hit level 23 after about 30 hours into the game. I joined a faction, bought a house and got married. I havenā€™t properly role-played like this in a very long time. In more recent games like BG3 I just chose dialogue options because I wanted to see what happens. In Starfield I consider if my character would say or do something before doing it. For example: before I bought my house I researched options and saw that one faction rewards you with a house at the end of the questline. However, my character would not join that faction so I bought a house instead.

I honestly am enjoying it so much that I donā€™t wanna play anything else. Something that goes completely against how I usually play games. I usually have like 5-10 games that Iā€™m playing at any given time. I donā€™t even feel like playing games on my Switch when Iā€™m not home anymore. All I can think about is playing more Starfield.


Considering it took me 4 hours to get of the starting planet (Kreet) I am happy :smiley: I am enjoying it, but I have to stop exploring and do the quests.
Space battles makes me motionsick, and the fact that I have to run it on low settings for the game to not crash is sad

I also decided cant be arsed with achievements so I am cheating a little bit :stuck_out_tongue:

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