Good morning everyone.
Ok my head is pounding, all thanks to renovations going on next door - they started yesterday, breaking out all the tiles (why do people insist on replacing tiles with carpet?)
Im ready to murder
Also car is going into the panel beaters tomorrow.
Was very chill actually. Mostly stayed indoors, as you can imagine…
Depending on where it is, I can understand as a person who has laid tiles, it is a massive b!tch, carpet is definitely faster, and it might be cheaper. but again, depends on the room, no use putting carpet in like a kitchen or bathroom XD
Its an office, and it was all tiled with a pretty tile but nope that needs to go and carpets put in
if there was nothing wrong with the tiles, then yeah pretty stupid, bunch of extra work just for a carpet.
Good night, everyone!
Morning you sexy fuckers
Getting another 30 ton truck of stock today. Already received one an Tuesday so this is going to be fun.
G’day mates.
Good morning everyone.
Morning people of the palace
Car is in for repairs at the panel beaters, Im getting them to do other minor scratches and so on as well.
Hey everyone
hey donsie!
Ive decided to grab this thing for my desk at work/home cos this heat is just killing me
Lemme know if it works well how goes it?
Its to hot here
Im also struggling at work just because of the renovations they are doing in the office next to ours.
But otherwise all good!
Yeah let me know how it works out as well, was looking into these types of things, and really need one here in kby.
good morrows
Ahh, for farks sake!
That’s in an hour and a half folks. And running all the way though to Sunday The entire nation brought to an electrical standstill by Eskom’s inability to keep conveyor belts functioning properly. The mind boggles at the ineptitude.
Im waiting to see what city of cape town has to say
Im hopeful