The 10,000 Best Forum Posts on the Internet Right Now! (Part 1)

I think what’s preventing looters from looting around Cape Town right now is the extreme cold. It’s absolutely freezing!

On a serious note, it sounds like looters are entering Roodepoort suburbs. My in-laws stay there and word is looters are demanding residents out of their homes and threatening them with pangas. My brother-in-law, a metro cop, is on duty on the N14 near Diepsloot right now and he says the situation is dire - he’s literally fearing for his life. :frowning:

So the “protests” have hit JHB just as bad as KZN it seems. Is everyone in those parts okay?


Im worried for everyone, friends of mine have been defending their home all day in Pinetown, Ive been stressed to no end for all of you.

I hope everyone is ok and stays safe.

@FarligOpptreden apparently we had malls closed - the ones near the informal settlements, the police has been on high alert, there was some taxi drama again and drama in Khayelitsha, but otherwise we have been lucky.


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Grats on the snow! Good to hear some good news.

Make a snow angel. The Canadian demands it.

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hahaha its not close to me :frowning:
Otherwise I would
for now Im trying to choose a new tablet

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Harrowing night. We live in sugarcane country. Many of the fields right around our village and our house were set alight last night. The farmers were out all night trying to put out the blazes and we were huddling inside, trying hard to breathe through the omnipresent smell of smoke and the sound of the fire monster outside our door.

We will have to see where we can get food from in the next few days. All the shops and supermarkets in our area are either burned to the ground or looted empty.


This country is so fucked. Stay safe.

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Good morning :wave::+1::grinning:

Hopefully the cold weather will help to cool the nation’s temperature today. Stay safe wherever you are.


I’m in Roodepoort. Luckily nothing here in my neighbourhood yet. Our offices closed however and everyone who were working there went home.



I hope you are all OK today, @shrike if I could send a food Parcel I would have

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Second that notion.

Can you at least get in your car and get out of the area or vacinity?

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Queensburgh is where my dad lives, I hope all is going to be okay and settle down soon. My heart bleeds for this country.


Morning all.

Hope all of you and your families living in the affected areas can see an end to this destruction and looting today.


The roads are classed as volatile and authorities (as useless as they are) suggested no travelling for now. That is another thing that pisses me off, the police did NOTHING. We are told that they were ordered not to engage looters because they do not have riot squad training. What a bunch of crap.


Our personal food situation is still ok. We never used any of our panic bought food in cans we got before the first covid lockdown. They will come in handy now!


Stockpiled for a pandemic, used because of a bunch of idiots who don’t like justice.


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I think it’s far gone passed being a political thing at this point, it’s almost a sport now and has become fun for them. My poor sister couldn’t sleep last night as she could hear gunshots and shouting and all that palooka, whilst my mom is home alone with a day or three of food with my step-dad stuck in Stanger. My dad in Queensburgh says all the garages have run dry around him.

The pandemic is becoming an apocalypse.


Oh for sure. I’ll bet half of them don’t even know Zuma turned himself in.

It is mostly quiet here, so I probably won’t have anything for my ‘tales’…


I’m really struggling to stay focused in order to get work done today.

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Not that I know much about this stuff but I imagine investors must be having a field day with South Africa, along with the exchange rate?

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Our area hasn’t had anything yet. Some centres did close as a precaution. Today my wife went to the shops and a lot of the shelves have been cleared out (by legal paying customers). We laughed about that fact over WhatsApp and then she arrived home with ton of shopping to stock up :sweat_smile: