The 10,000 Best Forum Posts on the Internet Right Now! (Part 1)

I’m back at work today to find a really shitty email from the bosses.

I’m starting my own riot today.


I am so sorry to hear that @Solitude, are they ok tho?

I still love this country, but I am disappointed and saddend at the people in the country. We are losing hope, I also see talks of the Western Cape Exit from the Republic is getting traction again. I am kinda hoping it does happen

Morning people of the palace

It seems that the news flow and flood of videos and tiktoks and tweets has slowed down a lot.

I take my hat of to all the reporters taking the risks that they are.

@Deadlypinecone what happened? I need to kick some ass - want me to kick your boss’s?


Morning, my Dudes. It is Wednesday. :frog:
Stay safe wherever you are.


They are okay, thanks @Wyvern .

I don’t love this country. I often sit without power, in a security complex where the people are loud and noisy and don’t give a shit about their neighbours. In a city full of potholes with no working fire trucks, where you fear for your safety and you worry about your family. And your wife can’t get a job because jobs are scarce. And the internet often doesn’t work and you feel bad for all the poor people out there but you try to help but there’s just so many that it’s pointless. And you know they will continue voting for the corrupt ANC that will steal the money and blame it on apartheid and things just get worse.

No. I hate this country.


So incredibly relieved to hear that!


Morning everyone.

Glad you’re all safe.


Thank you for sharing this. There is so much negative reports and what not going about and getting my wife in a state.

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Plesier, its why I shared it - tell her to get off social media - if I hear something I will send you a message ok? We get our info directly from SAPS


I do. But can’t help the direct messages from from friends and family.

will appreciate that, thanks

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I won’t say no! They deserve a good ass-kicking.

Apparently we have all been selfish by staying home and not working. We not allowed to work from home so we must seemingly risk our safety to drive to work.

They received a shitty email back. Must be nice to sit in their fancy well guarded estate and not worry about the riots where your staff stay.


Well then fuckem I am happy to hear you put your foot down! Are you and your family all ok still?

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The biggest problem is that among all this, every day sounds now becomes gunfire or looting or riots etc. The mind plays tricks on people and they don’t think logically or take the time to actually think things through and just react.

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So, just an update from my side:

I joined the watch at the Salt Rock entry point. There are onl 5 ways into the Ballito area and they are manned 24/7. What started as good intentions turned into a race thing very quickly. Luckily, at the end, sanity prevailed.

Domestic workers and gardeners are allowed through as long as they are collected from the checkpoint.

Also, guys wiff guns and cammo, acting tough, might be a deterrent but I also see it as something to lure attention. It is not someone just protecting, it is someone WANTING action.

All shops are closed, so too petrol stations. But we are fine. We have food, water, electricity and internet.

On a sadder note: we build a lotnof shopping centres. 6 of the last 8 we built has been burnt to the ground. The client has already asked us to quote on rebuilding. Not repairing, REBUILDING.


That is the heartbreaking part for me!

Im happy you guys are ok, I know friends in Pine town went out early this morning to forage for food, hopefully they can find basics. They live from paycheck to paycheck so they can’t stock up like most. And they care for at least one elderly parent.

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It’s the Afrikaans oke after a couple of branna’s who’s reddy to start raining klappe that I’m picturing in my mind’s eye. Glad people like you are around to help with the sanity prevailing.

I agree with @Wyvern - we’re all getting worked up thanks to social media. There’s been almost zero incident in Witbank, with some centres closing as a precaution, but still I dreamt of flippen looting and riots. Some great news that came out of all of this is that in here in Witbank, the local Taxi Association decided to act. On Monday, the taxi’s barricaded the Highveld Mall to protect it from looting, and today they are assisting SAPS and the local CPF with clearing out troublemakers from the CBD. :+1:

@Deadlypinecone: Good for you. Safety always comes first. A company can recover from an unproductive day.


Well, from the ashes arises new opportunities for you guys. So slight silver lining there?


At least they want to rebuild. I’ve seen a lot of people say bugger it, we’re not rebuilding.

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To get the mind and discussion of the aparent shennanigans…

Just got a call from the neighbour, she’s at home alone with the kids and the one kid (maybe 4 year old) got himself stuck in a room. The latch bolt was stuck out so couldn’t open the door via the handle as it just moved up and down. My concern was getting to the kid so I couldn’t see another means but to kick the door in, which I did. Then she asks me, “could she not have gotten a lock smith instead of breaking the door?”, now I start to doubt my intentions. Urgh.