Weekend was good, today is crap - office is officially closing end of the month. Might work from home for short hours but overall it is done.
I at least now have a contact at Amazon, a friend’s wife worked there and she is sending my CV to her old manager. So please hold thumbs - I will rather give up my gaming for a while than not work.
So my complex has devolved into hell over the weekend…
we had a further burst pipe in the complex on friday night, plus several units’s power just failed. Got those fixed, then saturday the same thing happened again… got an electician out and he sorted it out on an emergency basis. then we had another missing teenager again because parents just let their 14y run loose around the place, found her eventually at another boys house, and only got to bed at 3 am… then sunday the electricity shit happened again… We now have such a big issue with a main electricity line that is broken which will need to be found which is under ground as well as having to of the main breaker switches to our complex broken…
we now had to arrange a thumper to come a do a test on one of the lines to see where the fault is. i hope(probably in vain, knowing all the other shit in this place) that the cable was laid out properly and that more shortcuts were not taken when they built this place and that this cable is situated under a building.
We are hoping to buy a new place end of the year or beginning next year. I really worry that we buy a place with a lot of issues or with loud neighbours.
You know, if we were office bound I would have just walked up to an admin person and asked for some stationary. Now that it’s remote I have to get approval to get a notebook and pen otherwise expedite that by buying it myself.