The VR Thread

Yeah, I couldn’t find him on Store Directory - Menlyn Park either (I assume that’s the correct website?). Same guy has some serious hardware listed on gumtree. Now do I gamble or not :thinking:

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What follows is Kelvin’s FOS (full of shit) Review. Kelvin is full of himself, so Kelvin will be referring to himself in 3rd person.

Kelvin has bought another Oculus headset, this time a Quest 2. But W T F Kelvin, do you like to waste money? Well yes, yes I do, and I live on the edge, hiding expensive deliveries from the Minister of Defense. The Oculus Rift S Kelvin was using seems to have some usb 3.0 incompatibilities with his motherboard. Why it reared it’s ugly head only recently, Kelvin is very confused about. :visiblefuckingconfusing: (this should be an emoji). So Kelvin went hunting for reviews, on a HP Reverb G2, both from dirty youtubers, and articles, and known problems, and even local sim racers that have used it. And the long and the short of it is, it’s a hit and miss with the G2. Some people have issues, some don’t. When it works, it’s fantastic, but when it doesn’t, some people have endless connectivity issues. Windows Mixed Reality (WMR) also needs more resources, than Oculus, to perform the same tasks. It’s also very expensive, and there wasn’t really a reasonably priced option locally (even if that guy behind the VR arcade is legit).

Moving on, because nothing ever stands still. Enter Oculus Quest 2 64Gb (there is also a 256Gb, which is more important, if you plan on playing games directly off of the headset, not from the Computer). Kelvin ordered on Amazon, with all the bells and whistles, elite strap, extra visor sizes, because Kelvin has four eyes. and a decent braided USB-A link cable. It is not an official Oculus cable. The official Oculus link cable is USB-C. If you don’t have a USB-C port on your computer, buy a reputable, high user-rated USB-A link cable. Why Oculus Quest 2? Didn’t Kelvin say, fuck facebook? Yes, yes he did, and he still would not shed a tear if facebook died tomorrow. Kelvin spoke to some people, that were raving about the Quest 2. The connection issue the Rift S is sometimes prone to, is essentially the USB 3.0 implementation on your motherboard, not delivering enough power to the myriad of devices in the Rift S, resulting in it simply not connecting or sensors not receiving enough power. Kelvin suspects, updates have pushed power usage passed the limit of what my particular USB 3.0 ports deliver. There are ways around this, like a USB 3.0 PCIe internally powered expansion card, but Kelvin has run out of open PCIe slots. Enter Quest 2… it’s battery sourced power, so in Kelvin’s peanut brain, power should never be a problem. But Kelvin, it’s wireless, isn’t that going to introduce lag? Yes, however Oculus have updated options for controlling the quality, and there by minimizing the latency. You also have a link cable, which turns the wireless standalone headset, into a wired Oculus Rift like experience. But Kelvin, I heard there’s still lag. First of all, don’t But Kelvin me, secondly if you limit your web searches to the last month, you’ll find results showing there’s a lack of lag now. As in, they’ve released updates, to have fixed link cable lag. Enter Virtual Desktop, which is a previously unofficial app to stream your computer desktop games to the standalone headset. Well it’s kind of officially blessed now, by Oculus. So none of the previous hoops of registering a developer account is needed. Now it’s just install from the official Oculus store, install the streamer app on your computer, and it kind of just works.

Fast forward to using it the Quest 2 for sim racing with a link cable. It’s the same experience with the Rift or Rift S. Launch your game as you would normally have, and it just works. It’s reasonably clear and refreshes decently out the box by default. You need to fiddle with settings, to switch to 90Hz from 72Hz, and force the headset to a specific resolution. Once this is done, it goes from oh that’s nice, to holy balls, that’s clear and smooth. The inside out tracking has no issues to speak of (in the sim racing context), not that it ever did. The elite strap is an absolute must, and rest assured, if you are a blind bat, there is a spacer included for spectacle owners. The sound is not stellar, so use some earphones or your speakers. They have a nifty feature to double-tab the side of the headset, to activate passthrough. Great for when you need to give your dog scritches in the moment. Finally included, at least compared to the old Rift’s, they have a mode that doesn’t need roomscale guardian active. So you turn on the I going to sit in one position option, and the guardian doesn’t get in the way. The IPD slider is now 3 distinct positions ranging from 58mm to 68mm I think. Kelvin’s IPD is 66mm, so uses 68mm position, and it seems to work fine.

Kelvin, it can’t all be good?!? Cos you’re usually nit-picky and full of shit If you’re using a link cable, it really is that good, it’s clear, it’s not HP Reverb G2 clear, but it’s also pretty close. The size of the focal area, also known as the sweet spot, is fairly large, which means, you can glance at things off center, and it still readable, rather than having to move your head to focus on it. If you want to sim race wirelessly, you actually can, using Virtual Desktop. That experience is not flawless though. You may have microstutter or intermittent lag, depending on what your router is capable of. Kelvin tried a few settings for streaming Dirt Rally 2.0 wirelessly, and it’s a matter of turning down the fidelity, to prioritize speed and low latency. But really, if you’re sitting in a static position, plug the link cable in, and you’re guaranteed a flawless experience. Also, Kelvin doesn’t see any simple way to use Content Manager and launch the game through Virtual Desktop correctly. Most other simulators, that normally launch through the regular shortcut, work perfectly.

Kelvin is tired of typing, and rambling about wasted money. In total, a Oculus Quest 2 64Gb, Elite Strap, USB-A Link Cable, and a pack of 2 extra size Facial Interfaces with Priority delivery to Cape Town came to just short of R8200. With an addition of $19.99 for Virtual Desktop on the Oculus app store.

This public service announcement was sponsored by an overly strong cup of coffee, and a little monday procrastination.


Geez dude, it must be exhausting in your head :smile:

Great review though. I had the chance of trying out a friend’s Quest 2 - didn’t get a chance to plug it in for some racing but my brief experience of Superhot was pretty awesome.

If I were to get a VR headset then this would be it. The “if” being conditional on this thing of “if” I had the money :sweat_smile:


I’ve been having this since Jan 2021. It’s been a great journey so far. Some useful add-ons are light blocking rings for the lenses and controller grips with knuckle straps. They make quite a difference in the UX of the Quest2.

Oh, and I wear specs and don’t use the spacer. The light blocking rings are 2mm thick rubber bumpers that stop the specs from touching the lenses. Much better than using the spacer…


Yeah, I went back and read through some of your posts about this, too. I think those lenses are part of the extra pack, sitting at the front door. Haven’t opened it yet.


But Kelvin… that’s an awesome review all round, and I think our esteemed editor (aka @SigStart) needs to get your permission to copy and paste and edit it as necessary, and have this on the main site as a full post.

Also, your Minister of Defense is going to klap you when she/he finds out.

Also #2, my second cousin is the guy behind the VR arcade. He is anything but legit. Stay far away from him. Dodgy AF!

Also #3, you know every time I ‘see’ you online in future every conversation will be started and liberally peppered with many a But Kelvin…!! :grinning:


Hahahaha wow

Seconded :rofl:

Also @aldyr ,
The WMR resource usage issue fix is in the works for when you eventually get a Reverb 2. They are working with Steam to resolve the issue. Maybe by the time you get it, it will be resolved.



I’m glad I spent time deciding on VR arcade.

Are you trying to get me a blue eye?


Maybe 2 weeks ago, I undated nvidia and windows 10, and probably oculus, and I’ve been having stuttery recordings in OBS, as well as all laggy gameplay in AC and Dirt Rally 2.0.

Last night, I reset nvidia settings, reset oculus settings both in the normal oculus desktop application, and in oculus debug tool. I then set the oculus back to a refresh rate of 90Hz, and in the oculus debug tool, under the link cable settings, I turned off dynamic bit rate and forcibly set it to 500. This together with the uninstalled bad update from microsoft windows 10 (i forget the KB number), has fixed my problem. Oh oh, before I forget, shadowplay turned off when using VR, seems to make a noticeable difference.

If anything is applicable to you, your take away from this post should be, don’t be afraid to reset settings, if you explicitly haven’t changed anything, but you know there have been updates to related software.

mmm I should check this one out. I’m sure I don’t have it running but worth a check.
EDIT: Nope, it’s pretty much always on haha. Will remember to switch it off when I use VR from now on.

Point number 3, my body is ready!


Estimated total cost = R5 423,04


Oculus Quest 2 — Advanced All-In-One Virtual Reality Headset — 64 GB

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Joining the cult?

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Nah, just happened to see it and thought it sounded like a decent price compared to some of the other numbers mentioned in the thread from a few months ago.

As much as I’d love to, I simply can’t afford to join the cult. I’d be the worst cult recruit ever - no money, no time, no energy! :smiley:

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I joined at R4000 haha

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LOL Didn’t take them long… scumbags.


They wont ship to SA though…

Who, Facebook? Consider this a heads up, if you plan on going VR. If you already have it, you would have received an email from Amazon about it. Though I didn’t experience any skin symptoms, clearly it’s a problem for some people. I have been holding off on ordering that silicone facial interface, because the shipping is so pricey. I guess the time is now.