The VR Thread

Let the puke fest begin :stuck_out_tongue:
(At least for me - its why I avoid all things VR)

You simply have to power through it, imagination land lies on the other side.
VR is worth the puke fest :joy:


Noice. Welcome to the VR cool kids club. @oltman to follow.


Nope, na aah never ever again

aint worth it

You’ll be surprised to find that perhaps they made you play the wrong game first.

Not even a game, I cant even do VR tours, I suspect what ever triggers my motion sickness in games are due to my eyes, and in VR because its up close it just is worse.

Welp… F’s in chat.
@FarligOpptreden let us know how it goes!

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I’m sure there will be some stomach churning and head turning, but I’m looking forward to ease in and work my way to VR sim racing, VR Elite Dangerous, VR Flight Sim 2020 and Half-Life: Alyx.


:smiley: Not really. Like @Wyvern, I think I’d probably struggle with nausea - I get vertigo on the fourth step of my ladder. :smiley: But otherwise I would be right bloody jelly!

Enjoy it - we need a full feature length unboxing and review for the main site.

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So jelly! Enjoy and let us know how it is!

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I’m a bit on the tired side to ight, so not sure I’ll get around to an elaborate “first impressions”. I’ll make sure to take some pics of unboxing to use as a write-up if necessary.


So setting up the headset was my first foray ever into VR. That first moment when looking around was a solid WOW moment for me. I might get around to running some content tonight.


Well, motion sickness in VR is a real thing. Rookie tip: avoid racing sims when you’re first venturing into VR! 360 content on YouTube look phenomenal, Beat Saber is an absolute blast and, as immersive as Project Cars 2 and Dirt Rally 2 were, I couldn’t last more than 10 minutes in either. My stomach turned and my head is still spinning. I’ll develop my VR legs yet…

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Ya, definitely stay away from anything that moves without you moving, racing sims are probably the biggest offender :smile:
Games like Beat Saber and Superhot where you stand in place are perfect to begin on.


Super Hot is the jam!

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Hot damn, it was a super experience indeed! Only downloaded the demo, but will end up buying the full game soon. Also bought Beat Saber from the Oculus Store. The freedom that wireless VR gives is incredible!

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It says something of a piece of technology if a 16 year old teenage girl who’s obsessed with her social status wants to trade in her iPhone 11 Pro for a Quest 2 and doesn’t mind being called a “gamer” now. My niece has now officially hogged my Quest 2 and I’m not sure if I’ll be getting it back…


Just a tip, I jumped through a few hoops and got my Quest to work over 5GHz wifi using Virtual Desktop. It is SUCH a liberating experience to play Alyx with no cables! Just Google it, there are many guides, but the best is actually on the Virtual Desktop website.

What this allows is playing your desktop VR games (Viveport, SteamVR) wirelessly on the Quest. Having trouble with Ocukus games without a cable. The bad side is the battery only lasts like 2 hours, but is easily solved with a USB battery pack on my pocket. Sure I am tethered, but only to my pocket, which turns when I turn :laughing:


Are you using the free movement or teleporting? I’m concerned about motion sickness…

Use teleport