Today Is... 📆

It will probably have a different colour, thats for sure.


I don’t mind the colour change. Darker may look off putting slightly but I am after that molasses, treacle or maple flavouring.

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:wave: Good morning! :sunny: :cold_face:

It is Friday, 23 July 2021
(W29 | D204 | 161 rem)

Today is: :star: International Yada Yada Yada Day

If you’re one of the hundreds of millions people worldwide who watched the cult classic TV show Seinfeld religiously, then you probably have no problem guessing what this day is about. If, however, you are not, get ready to have your mind blown by the impact the show has had on generations of people all over the world.

Whatever the show touched seemed to turn to pop culture gold overnight, and this phrase is no exception. So what if “yada yada yada” basically just means “bla bla bla”? Seinfeld was famous for reveling in its distinctly nietzsche-esque approach to every aspect of life, so why should one of the show’s most famous catchphrases make that much sense?


The expression “yada yada yada” has been used for years as a way of skipping over uninteresting and/or irrelevant details. Renowned comedian Lenny Bruce, for example, famously used the phrase on many occasions, and there are also many records of it being used in 1940s vaudeville as well.

However, it was only in the 1990s, when the TV show Seinfeld’s popularity and power over pop culture was undeniable, that “yada yada yada” really became a ubiquitous catchphrase—in fact, “The Yada Yada” was the name of the 153rd episode of the sitcom.


This episode focused on just how much using the phrase can backfire when the details being omitted are actually extremely important, for example the fact that George’s new girlfriend is actually a kleptomaniac who steals to kill time, or that Jerry’s new girlfriend is both racist and antisemitic. Hilarity ensues when both these unwitting men find out what kind of people they have been dating, and they must face reality and break off the relationships.

In 2009, the Paley Center for Media named “Yada Yada Yada” the No. 1 funniest phrase on “TV’s 50 Funniest Phrases”, with several other Seinfeld catchphrases also making that list.

How should you be celebrating International Yada Yada Yada Day? Well, you could just yada yada yada and then sip an ice-cold beer


But if you’re looking for some more concrete ideas, why not re-watch the iconic Seinfeld episode? If you have never seen it, it’s high time! Seinfeld consistently ranks as one of the best sitcoms of all time, if not the very best, in countless countries around the globe, and for good reason. So if you enjoy a good dose of sarcasm and agree how very ironic it is that humanity spends so much of its time pursuing largely pointless goals, you are sure to get an infinite amount of laughs from watching Seinfeld’s cast of misanthropic misfits continuously trying and failing to fit in to society.

Watching Seinfeld can also be considered an interesting study of the development of television as a whole, as the show was famous at the time of its airing for breaking numerous conventions and taking on delicate subjects most other shows would not dare touch for fear of offending their audiences. Another aspect that sets Seinfeld aside from other TV shows is its consistent nihilism, causing it to often be described as being “a show about nothing” in which the characters are governed by a “no hugging, no learning” rule and do not develop as most other TV show characters do.

Yada, yada, yada! :+1::grinning:


I did not watch it ever. No reason, just never did.


I like watching that interview, where the interviewer asks about Jerry Seinfeld, about the show being cancelled, and he loses his shit, because he left, it wasn’t cancelled. Mostly, cos I don’t like Seinfeld the man, only the show. The real genius is Larry David :stuck_out_tongue:


:wave: Good morning! :sunny: :cold_face:

It is Saturday, 24 July 2021
(W29 | D205 | 160 rem)

Today is: :star: Tequila Day

Play this while reading

Mexicans like to celebrate Tequila Day, and so do a lot of other people all around the world! Although tequila can only be made in a few regions in Mexico, Tequila Day can (and should!) be celebrated by just about anyone, anywhere!

Derived from the blue agave plant, humans have been making something like tequila for at least a couple of thousand years. As early as 150 B.C., a predecessor of tequila, called ‘pulque’ was believed to have been made by civilizations predating the ancient Aztecs.

When making tequila, the hearts of the agave plant (called piñas) are removed and cooked, then they are ground and fermented for anywhere from a few months to three years. Like wine, the type of soil the plant is grown in can impact the taste of the final product. Unlike wine or other drinks made from fruit, once an agave plant is used to make tequila, it cannot be reused.

To qualify as “tequila”, at least 51% of the product must be derived from the blue agave plant that is prevalent in Mexico. Today, however, many manufacturers of the drink have much higher standards and will make it from a full 100% blue agave. These versions of tequila are typically higher quality and will usually be more expensive than the mixed versions.

Modern-day tequila is like a few other alcoholic beverages (champagne, cognac or bourbon) in that it can only be named “tequila” if it is made in a certain place. In the case of tequila, this place is Mexico. While specifically most tequilas originate from Jalisco, other qualifying regions include Michoacán, Tamaulipas, Guanajuato, or Nayarit.

Tequila Day is the celebration of everything to do with this classic drink, whether it is enjoyed straight or as part of a tasty cocktail. In 2018, Tequila Day was officially recognized by the Mexican government, and now everyone wants to celebrate–not just today but all year round!

Of course, the celebration of Tequila Day should include enjoying this tasty beverage in some form or another–whether with a shot-style taster or having it in a mixed drink. Some other ideas for enjoying this day include:

Try Out a Tequila Cocktail

Margaritas are only the very beginning when it comes to enjoying cocktails made from this tasty alcoholic beverage. There is so much more to be explored when making cocktails with tequila! For instance, whether ordering at a bar or making them at home, try out these interesting ideas in celebration of Tequila Day:

  • Spiced Paloma. This refreshing cocktail uses tequila, grapefruit juice, grapefruit zest, jalapeno juice, lime, and is garnished with spicy gummy candies! Some people also like to salt this rim of the glass for this drink.
  • Tereman Avo-Colada. Definitely, a unique one, this “drink” (some might call it a snack!) channels the flavor of Mexican food using half an avocado, lime juice, agave nectar, coconut yogurt, and tequila. Muddle, shake and serve over ice topped with sparkling mineral water.
  • Ponche Caballero. Using pineapple juice, tamarind nectar, agave nectar, fresh lime juice, bitters and (of course) tequila, this tasty beverage is shaken and served over ice with a pineapple garnish.
  • Spring Flora. Tasty and fruity, this floral drink contains Aperol, lime juice, watermelon juice, hibiscus syrup, rosewater, bitters and tequila. For an added treat, it can be garnished with grated chocolate!

Learn Something New About Tequila

While celebrating Tequila Day, try sharing these fun facts to get the conversation started:

  • More than 300 million agave plants are grown and harvested each year to produce tequila throughout Mexico.
  • Tequila can be used to create small, artificial diamonds–which are often used in the electronics industry.
  • Regular agave and blue agave plants have different flavors. Standard agave is used in sweeteners but not in tequila.
  • The plant from which tequila is derived (Agave tequilana weber) can grow as large as 7 feet tall and may take from 8 to 12 years to become mature plants. This plant actually looks a lot like a cactus but it is actually a succulent that has a close relationship to the lily.

Throughout your Tequila Day celebrations, please stay safe, and drink responsibly! And remember the wisdom of the ancients, who taught us: “One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor!”:+1::grinning:

And as a special bonus for all you lekker, smaak it, mooi mense, a pragtige bonus for after your 3rd tequila (it’s going to take at least that many for me to listen to more than 20 seconds of it

Like the comments say, hoendervleis, ne? :rofl:

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:wave: Good morning! :sunny: :cold_face:

It is Sunday, 25 July 2021
(W29 | D206 | 159 rem)

Today is: :star: Thread The Needle Day đŸȘĄ

Sometimes you find yourself in that most difficult of positions, having to navigate your way through two positions of equal delicacy. Maybe you have to find a way to navigate the desires of two family members in an attempt to please both, perhaps you’re a public official trying to do the same for your constituency.

Thread the Needle Day is a day to show respect and appreciation for those who have to do this every day and encourages those in this position to continue to try to find the middle way.


There are a lot of different meanings for threading the needle. Firstly, we have the literal sense, which is about taking a thread and guiding it into a sewing needle! This is pretty self-explanatory, right?

We then have the metaphorical sense, which is what this day is highly focused on. This is about finding a path through two views that are contrasting to one and other. There are many different ways that this can apply to people’s lives.


There are then different uses of threading the needle, which aren’t as common, but are still used by some. For example, this is a phrase that we often see used in sports. It can be employed to describe a tight space that needs to be moved through. It is also used in yoga - in a pose known as the para balasana. It’s also used on the pool table to describe the ball being shot precisely through a narrow pathway.

The idea behind Thread the Needle Day came from the concept of attempting to navigate ones way through a narrow aperture, such as that on the head of a needle. It isn’t at all uncommon for us to find ourselves in a difficult place between two friends, where extreme politicking is necessary to find a way to satisfy both without becoming the enemy of both. That’s the two ways threading the needle can go, either you slide through the aperture easily, or you get pricked by the other end. Never an envious place to be.

The term is often used by politicians, to describe that metaphorical struggle that is navigating a path through two opposing ideas held by different parts of their constituency. Have you ever found yourself in a position like this? Dealing with family or friends? If so, tread carefully and continue to work to find that way between.

It may be difficult, but it’s always worth it. Not every difficult situation must result in a decision made one way or the other, threading the needle allows you to find a delicate path between the two, and if handled correctly, can stitch them together through their similarities.


Take up the challenge, thread the needle, and have a super Sunday!đŸȘĄ:+1::grinning:


:wave: Good morning! :sunny: :cold_face:

It is Monday, 26 July 2021
(W30 | D207 | 158 rem)

Today is: :star: All or Nothing Day

Yesterday you got to navigate through difficult paths, threading the needle as you went. Today you get to challenge yourself even more, and commit to do things you’ve been putting off, or cancelling them once and for all. It’s All or Nothing Day!

The Romans understood it so well they had a saying: “Carpe Diem” or seize the day. All Or Nothing Day takes that spirit and urges people to break through their barriers, ignore the fears that hold them back, and make that big commitment to a better life.

Whether it’s applying for a job, trying an extreme sport, or just saying ‘sorry’ to someone, everyone has something they would love to do if only they weren’t so scared. All Or Nothing Day is the day for the girding of loins, taking it on the chin, and confronting those fears.

As it says, by breaking the deadlock, you may end up with all or nothing, but at least the barrier is broken. You succeed or fail, but you are no longer paralyzed by indecision.

Seize the day; the rest of your life won’t wait forever. It is the perfect day for you to take a chance to do something that you have always wanted to do. Even if it goes wrong, it doesn’t matter! You are going to gain more from trying than you are from not doing anything at all.

Today is a day to stop thinking about something you’ve been deliberating doing and to finally decide if you are going to do it or not. If you decide to do it, don’t go at it delicately, but put your whole being into it. If you decide not to do it, then don’t think about it again; you’ve made your decision to do “nothing” and you need to stick with it. Make your decision now and move forward with whatever you decide.

Today is for overcoming fears, taking on new challenges, and being confident in the decisions that you make. Most people say the day is for going for something, not for deciding not to do it, but only you know if you have what it takes. Now get moving, it’s all or nothing.

Celebrate the day by finally making decisions on the big life goals and questions that have been beleaguering your mind. Decide if you are going to give it your all or give it nothing, and don’t look back.

Although you could go either way, the day is probably best celebrated by grabbing life by the horns. Start that business, sign up for the marathon, reconnect with the family member you said you’d never talk to again, take the trip, write that book, climb that mountain, or buy that house. No longer think about it, and give it your all instead.

So get out there and carpe the heck out of your diem already! :+1::grinning:


:wave: Good morning! :sunny: :cold_face:

It is Tuesday, 27 July 2021
(W30 | D208 | 157 rem)

Today is: :star: Take Your Houseplant For A Walk Day đŸȘŽ

Perhaps one of the oddest and more obscure days that I’ve found for this topic - today is Take Your Houseplant For A Walk Day.

Proud plant-owners can show off their leafy friends to the neighbourhood when Take Your Houseplant For A Walk Day rolls around. The idea behind this day is to celebrate plants, and to acquaint plants with their immediate environment, which is supposed to be healthy for them. Plant-owners can admire each others’ plants, and exchange stories and tips on plant-care.

For those who find this concept a little strange, there are more conservative ways to get involved. Plants grow throughout their lives, and you can use this day as an excuse to re-pot any plants that might be getting a bit big for their abode. You can take your plant for a walk to a new location within the house, perhaps one where it might get more sun. And if you don’t own a houseplant, there’s no better day to bring one home and introduce it to your family.

The benefits of having plants in your home include stress relief, reduced fatigue and a boost in concentration and productivity. It also boosts your mood, it clears the air from toxins, it increases humidity and it produces oxygen.


In return for all its benefits, it’s only fair to take your houseplant for a walk, don’t you think? It is said that when you acquaint your houseplants with their immediate environment, it is good for them. Plant enthusiasts are encouraged to offer their indoor plants some well-deserved sunlight every once in a while. After all, these plants work hard in providing aesthetic comfort and mental health in your home.

Many plant enthusiasts see Take your houseplant for a walk day as an opportunity to bond with their plants. This international holiday was copyrighted by Lebanon-based Thomas and Ruth Roy, under a list of unique holidays on their website, states that walking your plants around the neighbourhood enables them to know their environment, thereby providing them with a sense of knowing, bringing on wellness.

According to Jack C Schultz, a professor in the Division of Plant Sciences at the University of Missouri, Columbia, plants “are just very slow animals.” He says that we too often dismiss our houseplants as part of our furniture and that plants are as alive as any animal, and they exhibit behaviour like any animal. Much has been written about plants and their behaviour, including a book called What a plant knows by Daniel Chamovitch from the Tel Aviv University in Israel, in which he says that a plant’s sense is not much different from our own.

If taking your plant to the park goes beyond your comfort zone, consider just taking it for a walk through your home and perhaps moving it to a different spot. With the seasons changing, the sunnier spots in your home also change and moving your houseplants around might just give them that needed boost to bloom.

Get strolling with your green things! Maybe you’ll meet up with another plant walker and they’ll hit it off and you’ll make a new friend. đŸȘŽ :+1: :grinning:




I don’t have any house plants.

I’ve got a tray of seedlings under a light indoors though, maybe I’ll start hardening a few off :slight_smile:


:wave: Good morning! :sunny: :cold_face:

It is Wednesday, 28 July 2021
(W30 | D209 | 156 rem)

Today is: :star: World Hepatitis Day

In 2010 the World Health Organization made World Hepatitis Day one of only four official disease-specific world health days, to be celebrated each year on the 28th July. Millions of people across the world now take part in World Hepatitis Day, to raise awareness about viral hepatitis, and to call for access to treatment, better prevention programs and government action.

There was a group created called the World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) which is a patient-led and patient driven non-governmental organization whose membership consists of 230 different organizations from 81 countries all over the world.

Hepatitis is a disease characterized by the inflammation of the liver. There are 5 main hepatitis viruses, referred to as types A, B, C, D and E. These 5 types are of greatest concern because of the burden of illness and death they cause and the potential for outbreaks and epidemic spread. In particular, types B and C lead to chronic disease in hundreds of millions of people and, together, are the most common cause of liver cirrhosis and cancer.

World Hepatitis Day is an important day that increases awareness about this condition. It is no exaggeration to say that days like this can help save lives. After all, by increasing awareness, we could end up reaching one person who goes and sees a doctor, and that could be the difference for them!


This is even more so important when you consider the fact that there are nine in 10 people across the world that are living with viral hepatitis and are unaware. There is a lot of misinformation out there about hepatitis. There is even a stigma attached to the condition in some cases. However, there are different types of hepatitis, which impact people in different ways, and this is why raising awareness is so critical!

Take care of your liver today (and every day!), eat and drink some healthy things. There are also herbs that are good for cleansing your liver, such as Burdock, chicory, dandelion, and milk thistle. They can be used on a daily basis, and if consumed before meals they can enhance digestion. Some good foods for your liver are lemons, beets and beet tops, turmeric, garlic, avocados, artichokes, apples, and leafy green veggies like chard, kale and collards, broccoli, and cabbage.

Keep in mind you are trying to clean your body of toxins and wastes so it doesn’t make sense to consume heavy unhealthy foods and drinks while cleansing. We advise eating light, raw fruits and vegetables, especially those above, the first and last day of cleansing with fresh juice and tea during the middle 3-5 days. Just by consuming all the liquid we recommend with the program including the tea, potassium broth and fresh juices, you will literally flush the liver out.

Another good way to celebrate World Hepatitis Day is to raise awareness. This is one of the main aims and objectives for the day, and it is something we can all get involved in. it does not matter if you don’t know a lot about hepatitis and you are still learning yourself, you can still share resources from reputable sources, as well as giving people links to different websites that can help them.


Have a happy and healthy Wednesday, my dudes! :frog::+1::grinning:



:wave: Good morning! :sunny: :cold_face:

It is Thursday, 29 July 2021
(W30 | D210 | 155 rem)

Today is: :star: International Tiger Day :tiger2:

International Tiger Day was first observed in 2010 and was founded at an international summit that had been called in response to the shocking news that 97% of all wild tigers had disappeared in the last century, with only around 3,000-4000 left alive.

Tigers are on the brink of extinction and International Tiger Day aims to bring attention to this fact and try to halt their decline. Many factors have caused their numbers to fall, including habitat loss, climate change, hunting and poaching and Tiger Day aims to protect and expand their habitats and raise awareness of the need for conservation.


Many international organizations are involved in the day, including the WWF, the IFAW and the Smithsonian Institute.

The tiger is the largest of the world’s big cats and this magnificent creature, with its distinctive orange and black stripes and beautifully marked face, has a day that is dedicated to it.

International Tiger Day has been created to support tiger conservation issues and to raise awareness. After all, when more people are aware of something, they are going to be more inclined to help, and that is why this day is so important.

There are a number of different issues that tigers all around the world face. Some of the threats that tigers face include poaching, conflict with humans, and habitat loss.

Poaching and the illegal trade industry is a very worrying one. This is the biggest threat that wild tigers face. Demand for tiger bone, skin, and other body parts is leading to poaching and trafficking. This is having a monumental impact on the sub-populations of tigers, resulting in localized extinctions.


We often see tiger skins being used in home decor. Tiger bones are used for traditional medicines and tonics. This has seen illegal criminal syndicates get involved in the tiger trade in order to make huge profits. It really is a worrying industry. In fact, it is thought to be worth well over 10 billion dollars per annum. This is why we need to support charities and work hard to put an end to poaching and the illegal trade of tiger parts.

While this represents the biggest threats to tigers, there are a number of other threats as well. This includes habitat loss. Throughout the world, tiger habitats have reduced because of access routes, human settlements, timber logging, plantations, and agriculture.


Only around seven percent of the historical range of a tiger is still intact today. That is an incredibly small and worrying amount. This can increase the number of conflicts between tigers, as they roam further to locate new habitats. Not only this, but genetic diversity can reduce because it can cause there to be inbreeding in small populations.

Each tiger has a unique set of stripes – like a fingerprint – and this helps us identify individuals in the wild. Since the beginning of the 20th century, wild tiger populations have declined by around 95%. Sadly, there are more tigers in captivity in the US than are left in the wild. The tiger is officially classed as endangered by the IUCN.

Help raise awareness of the plight of the planets tigers today.

Have a totally terrific Thursday! :tiger2::+1::grinning:




Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies,
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand, dare sieze the fire?

And what shoulder, & what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? & what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain,
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp,
Dare its deadly terrors clasp!

When the stars threw down their spears
And water’d heaven with their tears:
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Tyger Tyger burning bright,
In the forests of the night:
What immortal hand or eye,
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?


lol I don’t understand poetry some times :laughing:

But that was quiet provoking, thanks for sharing @DieGrootHammer.

We’re just watching Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.


Classic William Blake

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Love tigers, really sucks how humans keep killing off my favorite animals, they literally just chill in the jungle then humans come along and kill them. And the thing is it is “civilized” people who kill them, natives who actually live near jungles actively avoid, and do not kill tigers.(based off a documentary i watched years ago)


:wave: Good morning! :sunny: :cold_face:

It is Friday, 30 July 2021
(W30 | D211 | 154 rem)

Today is: :star: Cheesecake Day

Here’s one for @Beo’s Baking Pan 
 it’s Cheesecake Day!

Cheesecake Day is one of the creamiest days of the year! It’s a day to indulge in the decadence of this dessert, and sample some of the tastiest flavours. From the humble plain baked to the tangy key lime or maybe a chocolate one would hit the spot. Whatever grabs that sweet tooth, it is certain that today is the day for some cheesecake!


Although the original Cheesecake Day was conceived and first celebrated in 1985, it didn’t really take off until 2001 when the power of the internet helped its cause. It then gained traction and became a sensation that is now celebrated all over the world!

Dating back to its invention by the Ancient Greeks, probably around 200 A.D., cheesecake was believed to have been one of the first “sweet” desserts in the world. Or at least, it was one of the first to be written down! In its earlier time, this dish was originally made from a soft cheese but was probably very different from what we now know as cheesecake.


Over the centuries, cheesecake moved around the world and popped up as different expressions in different regions. For instance, cheesecake in Italy is traditionally made with their favorite, ricotta cheese. Cheesecakes in Germany and Poland are often made with a special kind of soft cheese called “quark”. And, of course, American cheesecake uses its own home invention: cream cheese.

But no matter the variation, cheesecake is a tasty invention that has developed and evolved over time into something that almost everyone in the world loves to eat!


The most obvious way to celebrate is to grab a piece to-go, pick up a whole cheesecake at a bakery and take it to the office to share, or even get a boxed mix and make an easy refrigerator cheesecake at home. No matter how it’s done the most important thing on this day is to somehow, some way, get cheesecake into that belly!

Depending on the recipe chosen, making cheesecake can either be simple or a little bit fussy. A true cheesecake recipe will be made from ingredients such as cream cheese, sour cream, and eggs, then baked in the oven for about an hour or more. It is important to bake it slowly on a low temperature to keep it from cracking. This is the way cheesecake is made at a bakery or at a specially themed restaurant such as The Cheesecake Factory.

Some simpler versions of cheesecake recipes are no-bake, which instead use the refrigerator to get cream cheese, whipping cream or other ingredients to set up into a dessert. These recipes typically do not include eggs as the cake is not baked. But they are still deliciously tasty!

Whether you make it or buy it on the way home, a deliciously decadent slice of cheesecake for Friday dinner dessert would be a great way to start the weekend! Do that thing! :+1::grinning:
