It is Friday, 30 July 2021
(W30 | D211 | 154 rem)
Today is: Cheesecake Day
Here’s one for @Beo’s Baking Pan … it’s Cheesecake Day!
Cheesecake Day is one of the creamiest days of the year! It’s a day to indulge in the decadence of this dessert, and sample some of the tastiest flavours. From the humble plain baked to the tangy key lime or maybe a chocolate one would hit the spot. Whatever grabs that sweet tooth, it is certain that today is the day for some cheesecake!
Although the original Cheesecake Day was conceived and first celebrated in 1985, it didn’t really take off until 2001 when the power of the internet helped its cause. It then gained traction and became a sensation that is now celebrated all over the world!
Dating back to its invention by the Ancient Greeks, probably around 200 A.D., cheesecake was believed to have been one of the first “sweet” desserts in the world. Or at least, it was one of the first to be written down! In its earlier time, this dish was originally made from a soft cheese but was probably very different from what we now know as cheesecake.
Over the centuries, cheesecake moved around the world and popped up as different expressions in different regions. For instance, cheesecake in Italy is traditionally made with their favorite, ricotta cheese. Cheesecakes in Germany and Poland are often made with a special kind of soft cheese called “quark”. And, of course, American cheesecake uses its own home invention: cream cheese.
But no matter the variation, cheesecake is a tasty invention that has developed and evolved over time into something that almost everyone in the world loves to eat!
The most obvious way to celebrate is to grab a piece to-go, pick up a whole cheesecake at a bakery and take it to the office to share, or even get a boxed mix and make an easy refrigerator cheesecake at home. No matter how it’s done the most important thing on this day is to somehow, some way, get cheesecake into that belly!
Depending on the recipe chosen, making cheesecake can either be simple or a little bit fussy. A true cheesecake recipe will be made from ingredients such as cream cheese, sour cream, and eggs, then baked in the oven for about an hour or more. It is important to bake it slowly on a low temperature to keep it from cracking. This is the way cheesecake is made at a bakery or at a specially themed restaurant such as The Cheesecake Factory.
Some simpler versions of cheesecake recipes are no-bake, which instead use the refrigerator to get cream cheese, whipping cream or other ingredients to set up into a dessert. These recipes typically do not include eggs as the cake is not baked. But they are still deliciously tasty!
Whether you make it or buy it on the way home, a deliciously decadent slice of cheesecake for Friday dinner dessert would be a great way to start the weekend! Do that thing!