Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse (local dev game)

So I managed to beat the first level on my third attempt. It can be quite difficult, however if you kite the fluffies and employ some Crimsonland tactics (the Llamas will try to cut you off if you move in a specific direction) it becomes easier.


Okay, on my first try tonight I almost made it past the first level. I think I was right at the end.

For some reason the game just clicked with me tonight. I was also luckier with the weapon drops. This time around it wasnā€™t pistols and hoses the whole time.

Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ll be able to beat the first level in my next try now that I know the game better.


If anyone is having difficulty with the difficulty of the game, I just put the beta live for Casual mode. Would appreciate feedback:

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Cool, will give it a try. Hopefully later this evening. Will let you know.

Are you sure that casual mode is easier? To me it feels about the same as normal mode.

Today has been demoralising game wise. First I struggled with Elite Dangerous and now I still canā€™t finish the district in casual mode.

I must also have another go - I gave it a brief test out the other night and quite enjoyed it.

Yeah, it is definitely easier. Here is a comment from one person:
ā€œI found it hard to even get to section 3/4 (over 20+ play throughs) - I am not good at top down games in any case, now I made it to section 5 fairly easily after just 3 play throughs. Its still not a walk in the park. But yes the drops are more frequent - getting a machine gun early does help a lot (better chance of it with more drops).ā€

Another also said they got further. Whether it is easy enough is up for debate though.


OMW this game is sooooo hardā€¦ i had o slow my miceā€™s DPI down to 600 just to get past the first levelā€¦more practice is needed thoughā€¦

Also this game is insanely fun!


@DieGrootHammer posted about this in the Off Topic thread:

@roguemat did an AMA at Reddit. :slight_smile:


Ag thanks Soli. I was too lazy to take the 2 seconds it takes to search for the threadā€¦


My laziness beats yours. At least you wrote something about it. :slight_smile:


@roguemat, will the game come out in disc form for the xbone? Reason I ask is I dont get wifi where I live and this reminds me of the 50c arcade machines as a kid. Looks rad!


Read the AMA you lazy bastard. There wont be a physical release.


I shall support the local dev! (the second i see any % off pricetag :D)

Maybe we can make a plan with one of the xbox people to download it for you and post it?

sounds like a great idea. or I convince my boss to get uncapped



(says the one who won a free keyā€¦)