What are you playing now?

Started a new city in Cities Skylines.


Street Fighter 6
WRC Generations

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Be sure to update the thread with progress and screenies…


Still busy with Stasis Bone Totem!


I’m loving Railway Empire 2 at the moment, building an effective and profitable railway network is a lot of fun.


All I’ve managed time for are the tutorials :expressionless: Promised myself that once I get through the current batch of marking I’ll spend some time back in it. Have you had the chance to look at the multiplayer co-op at all? Very curious to hear if and how it works.

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I’ve only played single player, from what I know you manage the same railway company. Happy to give it a try when you’ve had a chance to get further into the game.


Battlefield 2042

Really enjoying it now. Not the greatest bf but they have fixed it up. Been having many bf moments.

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Anyone tried Battle Bit? Most fun I’ve had in a battlefield game, and it’s not even one.
250 player chaos with solid gunplay, all the expected vehicles, building destruction, fortification building, etc.

It feels like the 3 devs played BF games all their lives, took the best parts and put it into a game with Roblox graphics, and it just works.


I saw JackFrags playing it and he loved it. So many players, sooo much chaos!


Callisto Protocol annoyed me today so I uninstalled it. I’m fickle like that. Might return some day, its honestly 50/50. I downloaded Anthem and played the introductory mission. I’ve never played it before but heard nothing but bad things so my expectations are very low. So far I really like the gameplay.


Anthem is gone too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Started playing Final Fantasy 16 today! It’s really awesome so far.


Got myself BattleBit Remastered, such a good game, even on 190ms ping servers, I even managed to get a 1406m sniper headshot, there is also a chance for SA servers to me made if enough SA players get the game, and I hope they do, as this game is so much more fun that battlefield right now.


OG Xbox

Rallisport Challenge 2
Project Gotham Racing 2
Splinter cell pandora tomorrow


Had no internet this weekend so no D4 for me. Luckily I had downloaded Forever Skies in the week and it is an offline game. Played through the available content.

As an avid player of both Subnauticas and Raft, I can confidently say that I see both of those games in this one. It is well done, great visually and good non violent survival fun. It is in early access so there is only about 5-7 hours of things to do before you run out but it is a good start. Hopefully it will not fade.


The D4 servers were broken all of yesterday, so you only missed out on Saturday D4 time.


I was happy to see that Forever Skies had released, I’ve been looking forward to it. Pity that there’s only a few hours of content though. I’m debating whether to get on board now or wait for more content first.

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Just Diablo IV, only Diablo IV, always Diablo IV.


Still playing this, but now I’m liking it. The game had quite the learning curve (for me at least), but now I’m actually excited for weekend to come so I can go further in the story (and build new roads). I’m also liking the way that “multiplayer” has been implemented and how people are building together into the same world.


Don’t get me wrong, you can play Forever Skies for a lot longer than that if you want to max out all the upgrades and build a good looking and well organised airship. There are a lot of places to explore but a lot of the places to explore are the same as other places and after a while you can easily just craft the things you get to pick up while exploring.

I will do the same as I have done for other games like this in early access. Play it every now and then after say, 2 big content drops and start from scratch again.